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[Solved] Postgree connection with pgAdmin3


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I know that new Postgre Databases / Users, and users privileges must be done by cPanel. Well, I have created a new postgree database and a new user to access it.


I want to connect this new database using pgAdmin3, on debian:


pgAdmin3 configuration:

host: danistation.heliohost.org

port: 5432

database: dstation_teste

user: dstation_teste

pass: ******


But I get only error:

FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "my_ip_address", user "dstation_teste", database "dstation_teste", SSL off


Is it possible to use pgAdmin3 to connect to this postgre database?



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Is this database hosted at HelioHost?


Yes. The database is on heliohost.org. My account is dstation. I created this database by cpanel.danistation.heliohost.org


But, I want to connect to this database using pgAdmin3 installed on my debian machine. I receive this error trying to connect.


Is it possible?


I'm not using iptables or other firewall. I'm directly connected to internet.



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Sorry, but we don't offer remote PostgreSQL database access :(


Unfortunately, they use a file to set access IPs, so we can't restrict access like we can with MySQL.

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