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[Solved] Strange Account Creation Error


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After signing up for free hosting I received an error message that has me a bit confused:

Your hosting account at HelioHost has encountered an error during installation. The error is:


Account Creation Ok


Please visit http://www.heliohost.org/scripts/signup.php and try to signup again.


"Account Creation Ok" doesn't sound like a fatal error to me, but it tells me to signup again, should I?








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Well I guess I didn't have to signup again, to answer my own question. It did let me sign up again, but this time the error email stated


Sorry, a group for that username already exists.


I'll just wait and see if I can log into cpanel in the next day or 2, if not, I'll be back... ;)





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Login: matt_

Domain: straightshaving.info



The domain is resolving to stevie, I'm just unable to login to cpanel yet, but it's been less than 24 hours (which sounded like the timeframe for activation).






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I'm not seeing that domain in the database so you'll need to register again. The reason your getting that error is because we have several users that have usernames that start with matt.







You'll probaly have better success if you can use another username and make sure you don't use an underscore and everything is all lowercase.




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I've tried signing up repeatedly throughout the day. The first couple times I got a rather non-descript error telling me to try again later. The last time I tried I got "We're sorry, but the daily signup limit has been exceeded. Please try again tommorow."...


Perhaps the original error is related to the domain straightshaving.info already being associated with my original account, as it now resolves to an index of the web directory:


Index of /


* cgi-bin/

* images/

* postinfo.html









Well, stranger still I dropped the _ from matt_ and was able to log into the CPanel. Everything appears to be in order so far...



Thanks again,



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Well, stranger still I dropped the _ from matt_ and was able to log into the CPanel.


That's what the signup script normally does to underscores, but what is really strange is that domain isn't showing in the database but straightshaving.org is with your ip. Did you accidently use .org to create an account?

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Well, stranger still I dropped the _ from matt_ and was able to log into the CPanel.


That's what the signup script normally does to underscores, but what is really strange is that domain isn't showing in the database but straightshaving.org is with your ip. Did you accidently use .org to create an account?

Yes, the first time I tried to re-signup I did .org by mistake (I own com, net, org, & info), but it is hosted elswhere at the moment.


Straightshaving.info appears to be working fine, no idea why you can't find it in your database, that does seem rather strange... ;)






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OK I'm gonna go ahead and delete the .org account (if yo don't object) and bring this to the attenton of the root admin.

Yes, that is fine. If/when I bring .org here I'd want to park it on the current account (info).



Thanks again,



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So what happened is that the signup script mistakenly thought that cPanel failed to create your account, and so deleted the entry in the database. We have a corruption-checker script, though, that should auto-regenerate your account info. Shouldn't be anything to worry about.

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Okay, so it looks like the daily.php cron script (the one that fixes corruption like this) has been erroring out lately. I've reset the last login date for everyone and starting running the script again. My bad.

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