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[Solved] HelioHost Signup - allowed password character set a surprise

CB Admin

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First, my thanks to HelioHost for the free services - what a great offering to the Internet!


I created an account here (on the Forums) first, as advised on the HelioHost Signup page. As is my habit, I entered a password containing at least one "special character", which seems to have worked just fine.


So back on the Signup page, I do likewise, albeit with a different password. There is no advice there to indicate that, as I learned upon submittal, that there is a "letters+numbers+underscore only" policy on allowed password characters for a HelioHost account.


Leaving aside my "Huh?" reaction, that there is no obvious advance warning of the policy, and that it is rather inconsistent with the character set allowed here on the Forums -- I am rather bumbed out that I must now wait another day to set up an account under my chosen account name.


I gather that you've had a problem with bots, and that there have perhaps been some individuals overly taking advantage of your free service. However, I hope that you see that you should try to eliminate this gotcha in your signup procedures for us legitimate users.


Thanks for reading.


I've just taken a little time and read up more about your services... I had been referred here by a part-time developer acquaintance, and I had the impression going in that, in addition to the free account/service, there is a paid level of service, real paying customers, etc. Which I gather now is not the case...


So, please accept my apologies. I'm sorry -- I didn't realize until now that HH is an all-volunteer effort. I hope you won't view my preceding post as a demanding-something-for-nothing gripe. I really appreciate what you are doing for the Internet -- thank you! :)



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This support request is being escalated to our root admin.


Thanks very much, Wizard. Really, though, the heads-up on allowed chars in passwords at signup, isn't so much a "request" but rather a suggestion, for djbob or whomever, to consider adding to their to-do list.


My most pressing need, however, is to actually get my account request submitted. I tried again this morning, but was given the "daily signup limit has been exceeded" error page. I thought I'd seen somewhere that that tracking is reset at midnight. Is that incorrect? Do you have a suggestion for this HH newbie for getting started?


Thanks again!

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The tracking is reset at midnight PST. As for the character set requirements... we have no way of getting around those restrictions; they are cPanel's fault.


I don't mean to be lazy, but is this really a big deal? Lots of sites have password restrictions, and I just have variants I use for each set of restrictions. Furthermore, if it is truly a problem you can always change your password on both sides.

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The tracking is reset at midnight PST. As for the character set requirements... we have no way of getting around those restrictions; they are cPanel's fault.


I don't mean to be lazy, but is this really a big deal? Lots of sites have password restrictions, and I just have variants I use for each set of restrictions. Furthermore, if it is truly a problem you can always change your password on both sides.


Hi, djbob!


Not a big deal at all. I really didn't expect you do anything about the restriction itself, especially if that's how cPanel is delivered. I just hope that -- especially given that us would-be lusers can only try once per day to set up an account with you [*] -- you will consider giving us a fighting chance to get the password acceptable on the first try, by saying what the restriction is, up front... That could be put right there within the form next to the password input boxes, or handled by extending your existing Javascript input validation.


My thanks for your time.




[*] I have not yet been so lucky... When I tried this morning for the first time today, the system still thought I had exceeded my attempt quota. [username: chorbrev | Domain: chorusbreviarii.org]



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Oh, I see your point. Yeah, I'm actually unaware myself what the allowable password set is... but I'll take a look.


Also, I just increased the daily signup limit.

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Oh, I see your point. Yeah, I'm actually unaware myself what the allowable password set is... but I'll take a look.


Thanks, djbob.


IIRC from yesterday, the error page said something like -- only upper-/lower-case letters, numerals, and the good ol' underscore are allowed...


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