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heliohost email confused me~?


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I signed for free host space yesterday ,i checked email this morning .The content of a new email confused me:


Dear ****,

Your hosting account at HelioHost has encountered an error during installation. The error is:


Account Creation Ok


Please visit http://www.heliohost.org/scripts/signup.php and try to signup again.



HelioHost Staff



the error ?Now I can login cpanel ,but when i try to login the web using my domain it still shows that i am in the queue!

is this normal??? please help,thx!

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It usually takes 24 hours to come out of the queue. You will probably have to refresh your browser's cache to see this. If your still having problems then post your domain name and username.


Finally ,haha,my web is up,just should be more patient!

thanks for reply,admin!you guys are great,it is amazing for a free host with such a full-pack service,it suits me perfectly!!


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