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[Solved] Rails application is running, but not working in browser


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Dear All,


I've installed new RoR application in cpanel. Mongrel is up and running according to logs. but when I am trying to access the page

http://ski.heliohost.org:12222 it ends up with timeout.


funny, if I make a rewrite rule for http://ski.heliohost.org to redirect to http://ski.heliohost.org:12222


http://ski.heliohost.org shows rails welcome page.


What could be wrong here?



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Thank you,



in mongrel log you may see

** Mongrel 1.1.5 available at


Either is not a good idea for shared hosting or 12222 port is not opened for outside connections



finally I made it work with

RewriteRule ^(.*)/?$ "http\:\/\/127\.0\.0\.1\:12222%{REQUEST_URI}" [P,QSA,L]


in .htaccess


but is it really the way how we should run RoR application?


Best Regards,


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ism: We block all outgoing ports not in use for security purposes. Using the Apache proxy should work fine, though. Is there any reason you need direct access to the Mongrel server?


byron: Nah, that's just the database corruption script being weird. I've deleted the extra entry.

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byron: Nah, that's just the database corruption script being weird. I've deleted the extra entry.


I thought there might have been a conflict between the two. If I see this happen again is there a way for me to tell which entry to delete as not to delete any of the persons files?


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Thank you for your answer!


No, I don't need direct access to Mongrel.

What about this Apache proxy, should I make an .htaccess with some directives for it or is this feature embedded by default?

My problem was that after i created and started new RoR application it didn't work in browser. And I couldn't find any info about apache proxy in manual at heliohost.org


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It's actually right in cPanel. On second thought, they might use mod_rewrite? Regardless, there is some automated configuration to add directives to your .htaccess to allow traffic on port 80.

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