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[Solved] Account activation not working


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Heliohost name: pancakes

Domain: windswept.heliohost.org


I signed up a while ago and got an email with the error:

Dear pancakes,

Your hosting account at HelioHost has encountered an error during installation. The error is:


Unable to add group pancakes


Please visit http://www.heliohost.org/scripts/signup.php and try to signup again.

I tried re-signing up a few times, using the exact same details each time, but kept getting this error:

Dear pancakes,

Your hosting account at HelioHost has encountered an error during installation. The error is:


Sorry, the home directory for this user ( /home/pancakes ) already exists. Please move or delete it and try again or use the force option if available.


Please visit http://www.heliohost.org/scripts/signup.php and try to signup again.

Going to http://windswept.heliohost.org or http://windswept.heliohost.org/cpanel both give an "Address Not Found" error. It's been well over 48 hours.


(On a different note - signing up for the forums was a bit of a pain - apparently both my mail.com and hotmail.com accounts weren't letting the validation e-mail through, so I had to use my yahoo.com account. Even then, I -thought- I validated my e-mail, but it still wouldn't let me post. Eventually I had it send the validation yet again, so as you can see, I'm in now.)

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This support request is being escalated to our root admin.



(On a different note - signing up for the forums was a bit of a pain - apparently both my mail.com and hotmail.com accounts weren't letting the validation e-mail through, so I had to use my yahoo.com account. Even then, I -thought- I validated my e-mail, but it still wouldn't let me post. Eventually I had it send the validation yet again, so as you can see, I'm in now.)

Did you check your spam folders?

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Ok. Trying again with:

username: crumpets

domain: windswept.heliohost.org


Can't access the cpanel/webpage, but got an e-mail saying it was added to the creation queue.


*Edit* Yay! It worked! I'm in. :)



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