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[Solved] Not sure what is happening?


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I have been updating my site from IWeb and then the other week my IWeb told me I had an incorrect password, so I tried all the Passwords that I knew of and still didn't make a difference. I then went to log onto site and didn't work and did a password retrieval. This then told me my account had been closed due to inactivity.


I then searched on forums and tried to find out about this, but,when I followed the link on one of the customer services topics it said my account either did not exist or was not listed as inactive.


Thanks in advance



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I just tried to reset password again and keep getting this message:


Password change cannot be completed: Account is currently suspended! Please contact the billing/support department.


When I look at the Support FAQ I am told to check terms of service, as far as I am aware, I am not in breach of any of these, and when I follow the link to reactivate my link I enter my user name and am told that my account either does not exist or isn't on the list of unactive accounts.


I have also received an email that if I do not log in by March 8th my account will be deleted.


Can anyone please help?



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This support request is being escalated to our root admin.


djbob I've tried resetting his password twice without success. Neither him nor I can loggin to his account.


Username: mdclark

Domain: mdclarkmusic.heliohost.org



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cPanel was complaining about the account being suspended for some reason. I unsuspended it from the ACP and then reset the password from the ACP and everything worked. Weird.



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