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Active Server Pages error 'ASP 0126', what's that??


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here's what on my computer screen when i open my domain,



Active Server Pages error 'ASP 0126'


Include file not found


/index.asp, line 28


The include file '/inc/head.asp' was not found.




I already uploaded "index.html" file in the root folder,

and since it ask for "index.asp",

i also renamed "index.html" to "index.asp" and reuploaded it..


i think i did something horribly wrong here..

can sum1 help?

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then how can i start to make my own web?

I guess you'll just have to wait.


and 1 more thing, i can't access http://www.everydaybasics.com/cpanel

it says "the page cannot be found"..


That's because you don't have your domain pointing to our nameservers. You need to be pointing to:






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