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Hello All,

My domain is allmoneygates.com, Addon domain allmoneygates.co.cc and my Username is IDIBALE. I hosted my domain in HelioHost during 5 days. When I connect to my domain I have every time the same screen :


"Ahoy! You're seeing this page because HelioHost has not gotten about to installing and configuring your account yet. This process usually takes 24 hours, and once it is complete your website should show up properly. While the account is being created we suggest taking a look at your control panel."

So, I am asking is there a problem in my account or I have to wait until my domain validation from HelioHost. Thank you again for your support. :D








You'll need to purchase this domain (allmoneygates.com) before you can use it. You can't just sign up with it. If your not going to purchase it you'll need to re-register with a heliohost domain. Let me know if you need to re-register so I can delete the other domain name.


thank you for your reply Byron :P

Please can I use allmoneygates.co.cc and let allmoneygates.com as it is... Or I have to register again!!!

thank you in advance... :D


No you can't do that because allmoneygates.co.cc is an addon domain of a domain that doesn't really exist except at your cpanel. Here's what you need to do.


1) Go to your cpanel and delete allmoneygates.co.cc as your addon domain. And then let me know so I can delete your domain allmoneygates.com. That way you can re-register again.


2) Go login at http://co.cc and set the nameservers for your allmoneygates.co.cc domain to:





instead of just stevie.heliohost.org


3) Re-register at the heliohost signup page with this account.




After you've done all of that it should take about another 24 hours for it to work.






thank you Byron,

Really!!! I have a good a feeling to find assistance from someone... Thank you again. I rely on you!!! :P

I see that No Addon Domains are configured, yet... I think you have to delete allmoneygates.com account... I will create a new account... Tell me if you do it ... Many thanks... I wait for your reply to proceed now :D .


Okay I've deleted allmoneygates.com. Go ahead and try to register with your allmoneygates.co.cc domain. If it doesn't work you might have to wait until tomorrow after the server does a restart. Let me know if you have any problems.





I'm having account queued still too

I registered about 48 hours ago


username: mramb

domain: phoenix-wow.tk


If this is normal then please ignore my post :P




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