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[Solved] HelioHost Account Error at signup


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Today I signed up for a free HelioHost user account.

I received an e-mail with the information that I have to wait 24hours before I can log in.

After some hours I received an second e-mail with the information that my hosting account at HelioHost has encountered an error during installation.

The error was: Unable to add group jesper.

I had to visit http://www.heliohost.org/scripts/signup.php and try to signup again.


After I signed up once more, I received an third email of HelioHos. The email was an second error which told me that the account at HelioHost has (again) encountered an error during the installation.

The error this time was: Sorry, the home directory for this user ( /home/jesper ) already exists. Please move or delete it and try again or use the force option if available.


It looks like the server was able to create a home directory in the first place, but it wasn’t able to finish my account. Now it seems that the home directory is still existing at the server. Because the home directory still exists I can’t signup again.


I can't logon to Cpanel and I can't signup again.

Please could any admin of HelioHot fix this problem?

I tried to signup the domain slimlink.co.cc with username jesper.


Thanks from The Netherlands,


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