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TypeScript Error#TS9005 while compiling JavaScript to ".d.ts"


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src/js/SGNUIKit.loader.js:29:1 - error TS9005: Declaration emit for this file requires using private name 'SGNUKConfig'. An explicit type annotation may unblock declaration emit.

29 const forEach = (obj, callback) => {


  • Here's the part of the code:
 * Performs the specified action for each element in an object.
 * @param {Object} obj
 * @param {(value:any, key:string)=>void} callback A function that accepts up to three arguments. forEach calls the <b><i>callback</i></b> function one time for each element in the object.
const forEach = (obj, callback) => {
	let value;
	//context = context || this;  //apply the function to 'this' by default

	for(const key in obj) {
		if(key !== 'length' && obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {  //to rule out inherited properties
			value = obj[key];
			if(typeof callback === 'function')
				callback(value, key);

 * Appends new elements to the end of an object, and returns the new length of the object.
 * @param {Object} obj
 * @param {...any} items New elements to add to the object.
const push = (obj, ...items) => {
	let k = obj.length || 0;

	items.forEach((value) => {
		obj[k] = value;
		obj.length = k;

const SGNUIKit = {
	isReady: false,
	isInit: false,
	isPreloaderHeld: false,
	configs: {
		'urls': {
			'api': {
				'geonames': 'https://secure.geonames.org/',
				'osm': 'https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/'
		'api': {
			'geonames': '' //username
		'geocoding': {
			'defaultAPI': 'osm'
	components: {},
	onChangeListener: {},
	onInitListener: {},
	onReadyListener: {},
	callCounts: {
		'init': 0,
		'ready': 0,
		'config': 0,
		'component': 0,
		'holdPreloader': 0,

	 * This callback is called when a component is loaded/removed or the status of readiness is changed.
	 * @callback SGNUIKitChangeCallback
	 * @param {string} state The name of the state which is changed.
	 * @param {boolean|JSON} value The value of the state which is changed.
	 * @param {JSON} components The <b><i>JSON</i></b> object of loaded <b>SGNUIKit</b> components, or an empty <b><i>JSON</i></b> object if no components loaded.
	 * This callback is called when <b>SGNUIKit</b> is ready.
	 * @callback SGNUIKitReadyCallback
	 * @param {boolean} isReady the status of readiness of <b>SGNUIKit</b>.

	 * Add a loaded <b>SGNUIKit</b> component.
	 * @param {{}} config The <b><i>JSON</i></b> object of the <b>SGNUIKit</b> configuration options.
	set config(config) {
		if(config !== undefined && config !== null && config !== "") {
			this.configs = new SGNUKConfig(config);

			forEach(this.onChangeListener, (listener) => listener("config", config, this.configs));

	 * Get the list of loaded <b>SGNUIKit</b> components.
	 * @return {Object} The <b><i>JSON</i></b> object of loaded <b>SGNUIKit</b> components, or an empty <b><i>JSON</i></b> object if no components loaded.
	get config() {
		return this.configs;

	 * Add a loaded <b>SGNUIKit</b> component.
	 * @param {{}} value The <b><i>JSON</i></b> object of the loaded <b>SGNUIKit</b> component.
	set component(value) {
		if(value !== undefined && value !== null && value !== "") {
			Object.assign(this.components, value);

			forEach(this.onChangeListener, (listener) => listener("components", value, this.components));
			//this.onChangeListener.forEach((listener) => listener("components", value, this.components));

	 * Get the list of loaded <b>SGNUIKit</b> components.
	 * @return {object} The <b><i>JSON</i></b> object of loaded <b>SGNUIKit</b> components, or an empty <b><i>JSON</i></b> object if no components loaded.
	get component() {
		return this.components;

	 * Check if a <b>SGNUIKit</b> component is loaded.
	 * @param {string|number} id The <i>ID</i> of the <b>SGNUIKit</b> component to check.
	isComponentLoaded: function(id) {
		return this.components.hasOwnProperty(id);

	 * Set the status of readiness of <b>SGNUIKit</b>.
	 * @param {boolean} isInit The the status of readiness of <b>SGNUIKit</b>.
	set init(isInit) {
		this.isInit = isInit;
		forEach(this.onChangeListener, (listener) => listener("init", this.isInit));

			forEach(this.onInitListener, (listener) => listener(isInit));

	 * Get the status of readiness of <b>SGNUIKit</b>.
	 * @return {boolean} <b><i>TRUE</i></b> if <b>SGNUIKit</b> is ready, <b><i>FALSE</i></b> otherwise.
	get init() {
		return this.isInit;

	 * Set the status of readiness of <b>SGNUIKit</b>.
	 * @param {boolean} isReady The the status of readiness of <b>SGNUIKit</b>.
	set ready(isReady) {
		this.isReady = isReady;
		forEach(this.onChangeListener, (listener) => listener("ready", this.isReady));
		//this.onChangeListener.forEach((listener) => listener("ready", this.isReady));

			forEach(this.onReadyListener, (listener) => listener(isReady));
		//this.onReadyListener.forEach((listener) => listener(isReady));

	 * Get the status of readiness of <b>SGNUIKit</b>.
	 * @return {boolean} <b><i>TRUE</i></b> if <b>SGNUIKit</b> is ready, <b><i>FALSE</i></b> otherwise.
	get ready() {
		return this.isReady;

	 * Hold the <b>SGNUIKit</b> preloader even after  <b>SGNUIKit</b> has finished loading the components.
	 * @param {boolean} hold The the status of readiness of <b>SGNUIKit</b>.
	set holdPreloader(hold) {
		this.isPreloaderHeld = hold;
		forEach(this.onChangeListener, (listener) => listener("holdPreloader", this.isPreloaderHeld));
		//this.onChangeListener.forEach((listener) => listener("holdPreloader", this.isPreloaderHeld));

	 * Get the status of readiness of <b>SGNUIKit</b>.
	 * @return {boolean} <b><i>TRUE</i></b> if <b>SGNUIKit</b> is ready, <b><i>FALSE</i></b> otherwise.
	get holdPreloader() {
		return this.isPreloaderHeld;

	 * Set the handler for <b>SGNUIKit</b> <b><i>OnChange</i></b> event, which will be triggered when a component is loaded/removed or the status of readiness is changed.
	 * @param {SGNUIKitChangeCallback}listener
	 * @param {string|number}[id=undefined]
	setOnChangeListener: function(listener, id) {
		if(typeof id !== 'string' || $.isNumeric(id))
			this.onChangeListener[id] = listener;
			push(this.onChangeListener, listener);

	 * Set the handler for <b>SGNUIKit</b> <b><i>OnReady</i></b> event, which will be triggered when the <b>SGNUIKit</b> is ready.
	 * @param {SGNUIKitReadyCallback}listener
	 * @param {string|number}[id=undefined]
	setOnInitListener: function(listener, id) {
		if(typeof id !== 'string' || $.isNumeric(id))
			this.onInitListener[id] = listener;
			push(this.onInitListener, listener);

			forEach(this.onInitListener, (listener) => listener(this.isInit));

	 * Set the handler for <b>SGNUIKit</b> <b><i>OnReady</i></b> event, which will be triggered when the <b>SGNUIKit</b> is ready.
	 * @param {SGNUIKitReadyCallback}listener
	 * @param {string|number}[id=undefined]
	setOnReadyListener: function(listener, id) {
		if(typeof id !== 'string' || $.isNumeric(id))
			this.onReadyListener[id] = listener;
			push(this.onReadyListener, listener);

			forEach(this.onReadyListener, (listener) => listener(this.isReady));
		//this.onReadyListener.forEach((listener) => listener(this.ready));
window.SGNUIKit = SGNUIKit;

if(typeof jQuery === 'undefined') {

 * @return {SGNUKConfig}
const SGNUKConfig = function(config) {
	const plugin = this;
	const _defaults = {
		'urls': {
			'api': {
				'geonames': 'https://secure.geonames.org/',
				'osm': 'https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/'
	plugin.config = {
		'api': {
			'geonames': undefined //username
		'geocoding': {
			'defaultAPI': 'osm'

	const init = () => {
		plugin.config = Object.assign(plugin.config, config);
		plugin.config = Object.assign(plugin.config, _defaults);


	return plugin;

((callback) => {
	const head  = document.head || document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0],
	      style = document.createElement("style");
	const currentScript = document.currentScript || document.querySelector("script[src*=\"SGNUIKit.loader.js\"]");
	let preloader = `\t\t\t<div class="preloader">\n`;


	preloaderElem.innerHTML = preloader;

	window.onload = function() {
		document.body.insertBefore(preloaderElem, document.body.firstChild);

		if(typeof callback === 'function')
})(() => {
	(async precallback => {
		const title = document.title;
		if(title !== undefined)
			document.title = "Loading...";

		async function finishLoad() {
			progress = (filestoload > 0) ? Math.round((filesloaded * 100) / filestoload) : 100;

			await new Promise(resolve => {
				if(filesloaded >= filestoload) {
			}).then(function() {
				document.querySelector('head > title').innerHTML = title;
				if(typeof precallback === "function" && progress === 100)
    })(function() {
		(async callback => {
			(() => {
				const startLoad = new Promise(async function(resolve) {
					await loadStyle(0);
					await loadScript(0);
					if(loaded === total)

				startLoad.then(() => {
			async function finishLoad() {
				const progress = Math.round((loaded * 100) / total);

				await new Promise(resolve => {
					if(loaded === total) {
				}).then(function() {
					if(typeof callback === "function")
						callback(loaded, total, progress);
		})((loaded, total, progress) => {
			if(progress === 100) {
				SGNUIKit.init = true;

				const styles = document.querySelector("style#sgn-uikit-styles");
				const left = document.querySelector("style[data-cke=\"true\"]");
				if(left !== null)
				if(styles !== null)

	(() => {
		SGNUIKit.setOnChangeListener((prop, value) => {
			if(prop === 'holdPreloader') {
				if(SGNUIKit.init && !value) {
			} else {
				if(prop === 'init' && value) {
		}, 'sgn-uk-prop-change-listener');


  • tsconfig.json
	"include": [
	"compilerOptions": {
		"outDir": "./dist/lib",
		"declarationDir": "dist/types",
		"target": "ES6",
		"module": "ES6",
		"moduleResolution": "Classic",
		"strictPropertyInitialization": false,
		"esModuleInterop": true,
		"noImplicitAny": true,
		"noImplicitReturns": true,
		"noImplicitThis": true,
		"allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true,
		"removeComments": true,
		"allowJs": true,
		"checkJs": true,
		"strict": false,
		"skipLibCheck": true,
		"allowUmdGlobalAccess": true,
		"alwaysStrict": true,
		"useDefineForClassFields": true,
		// Generate d.ts files
		"declaration": true,
		// only output d.ts files
		"emitDeclarationOnly": true,
		"declarationMap": true,
		//"types": [],
		"typeRoots": [
	"exclude": [


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