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Is my previous account deleted?

Jeff S

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Perhaps most important question is... If it was deleted because I never logged in successfully (tried the correct pwd several times, then tried many other possible variations), will I still be able to sign up again with the same username and sub-domain? I also wonder was it a certain time-out of inactivity, or from typing invalid password too many times that caused my sub-domain to disappear?




It was November (20091116 06:20) when I finally tried early enough in the morning to sign up successfully for a website B) Strangely, I could not log in. I think it took a little longer than 24 hrs before [http://onlyjeff.heliohost.org/cpanel] came online but that's no problem...The password never worked. :wacko:


More that twice after the website was active I clicked the link to reset the password or to try to get any sort of email from heliohost, but never got any email even in the Junk folder. (it's a hotmail account). I hope you got nothing wrong with those but I have several other addresses I could use, if that was the problem.


Finally I tried yesterday (near end of January 2010) and my cpanel is no longer there either. Hopefully, if I can just get back into signing up (since now you aren't accepting any until day after tomorrow), I hope I will just be able to make it work, and now I have this account so I know where to ask questions sooner if it doesn't.


Thanks for any info. --jeffS


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