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Hi guys,


I just came here after i had major problems with an old host...


I represent my game development team,

and we need free webspace, as we wont earn money with our

early project yet. :P


however we do need a forum and space for our documentation needs.


we have registered an .eu domain, but could have used that

money for a paid host seeing as our old one turned out to be stupid.


for instance, we were not able to configure phpbb after installing.

the config in the database changed but the forum didnt recognize it >_<


i noticed 2 important things here:



evil evil... do these happen very often?



now after past experiences i value this a lot.


=> if the servers go down a few times, its a disaster.

if admins arent accessible at all, its much worse.


what i expect of this place here is a somewhat stable freehost that

can be a good platform for our forums and documentation needs,

and if something doesnt work, i can have an admin that atleast says:

"sorry, this may take its time, but we are working on it"


ideally, i am planning to get our forums back running tommorrow, on january, the 11th.

according to your whois timezone, ill have to wait 8 hours until you guys reath the 11th,

and i can register my webspace with you.


what i ask in these final sentences, is something i only expect you to do if its not much work for you

and i fully understand if you do not have the time, or simply have other work:

Is there a way you guys could enable me an account before the "new day" is reached via your server?

or can you tell me what time (GMT+1) your server counts a "new day"?


if the first is a possibility, here would be my data:


USER: zanval

PASS: any simple default one (if i receive it via mail and can change it in my controlpanel)

DOMAIN: aleron.heliohost.org

HelioNet Username: Zanval


I fully agree to your extremely simple to read and understand terms,

which contain "no pornographic content", "no copyright infringement", "no malicous code", and other points.

you are also not responsible for any dataloss, even if you are at fault for the downtime/crash/fried hardware/etc


evil evil... do these happen very often?

Nowadays, no.



now after past experiences i value this a lot.


=> if the servers go down a few times, its a disaster.

if admins arent accessible at all, its much worse.

We're here.


what i expect of this place here is a somewhat stable freehost that

can be a good platform for our forums and documentation needs,

and if something doesnt work, i can have an admin that atleast says:

"sorry, this may take its time, but we are working on it"

The support forums are checked daily.


what i ask in these final sentences, is something i only expect you to do if its not much work for you

and i fully understand if you do not have the time, or simply have other work:

Is there a way you guys could enable me an account before the "new day" is reached via your server?

or can you tell me what time (GMT+1) your server counts a "new day"?

12:00AM PST


Make sure to also read the Support FAQ.




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