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Server Authentication before cpanel login screen


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Hi all, this is my first post so i'll introduce myself, I'm Slim ;)


Anyways, I have a question regarding cpanel login. Whenever i go to the cpanel login page (except when using the heliohost login section at the bottom of the site) from "mydomain.com/cpanel" I get a server authentication box asking for username and password. So far I have just closed the box and get redirected to the cpanel login page, and from there i haven't had any issues at all logging in. I am just bringing this up just in case there is some configuration details that may need to be looked over.


As I've stated, I'm not having any issue's logging in, however when I tried to install phpwiki through fantastico I got the message that it was installed properly, but whenever i tried to login to phpwiki admin panel I get the same authentication box, except when i enter my phpwiki admin username and password it goes right back to the same box.... So basically its an endless loop that resulted in not ever being able to login to the phpwiki admin panel, closing the authentication box gives me a 403 forbidden (Holy run-on sentence Batman!).


I apologize for my grammar, its not one of my highest strengths.


I have since uninstalled phpwiki (because of that issue), and was wondering if anyone happened to know about this issue.




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The prompt you get during cPanel login and the prompt you get at the phpwiki admin page are not related (as far as I know). Make sure your username and password details are correct for the latter. Also, try asking the phpwiki guys about it.

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