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How to make my domain name transfer to my hosting ?


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Hello, I am new and poor.


I have a domain name from Godaddy, my domain name is BRIGHTELECTRONICSINC.


I have apply a free hosting in your web,here is the email :


Your hosting account at HelioHost has been installed. Here is your account information:

Username: brucelee (note: case sensitive!)



Control Panel URL: http://BRIGHTELECTRONICSINC.COM/cpanel


Please note that you may have to wait before your account becomes active. If this is so, you will see a suspended message on your domain until validation.



HelioHost Staff


But now ,my domain still transfer to my hosting. Why? Any one could tell me ?


Here is how I did :


I logon my hosting, and add my domain name from Simple DNS Zone Editor


User-Defined Records

Name Type Record Action

www.bbs.brightelectronicsinc.com. A Delete



I think there must be something wrong with my operation. I don't know where.


From my experience, I will get my domain IP and ftp account.


Is there anything wrong with my hosting or I did any mistakes in godaddy?



I am really appreciate your help!


Happy new year guys!









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You need to set the nameservers at Godaddy to:





and you do know that when you go to your account that it should be in lowercase like this?




That should get you up and going and remember to login to your cpanel at least 2 times a month.


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You need to set the nameservers at Godaddy to:





and you do know that when you go to your account that it should be in lowercase like this?




That should get you up and going and remember to login to your cpanel at least 2 times a month.



Thank you boss!

I will remember your worlds



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