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Hello. I just created a helioost account for my gaming server. In order to play on custom maps, the players must download the maps via online webhosting (according to game admins). So I googled, and found Heliohost, and several others. so far I LOVE heliohost better than the others, but I cannot find any direct links to the maps I have uploaded. Through many trials and errors, I managed to come up with this download URL for one of my maps "http://stevie.heliohost.org:2082/download?skipencode=1&file=/home/amasu/public_ftp/TF2Maps/ctf_2fort_winter.bsp.bz2" but I believe it requires me to be logged in in order to download anything. Is there any way to get download urls to be available to the public, without creating an ftp account for each specific person. I just want a direct download without needing to login... if that is possible, if not, then sorry to bug, and I will continue to look for the correct service.

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My main domain is "saintgamers.heliohost.org" I tried placing the folder with the files in the public_html as you specified, but I get a message stating :


The server can not find the requested page:


saintgamers.heliohost.org/TF2Maps/ctf_2fort_winter.bsp.bz2 (port 80)


Please forward this error screen to saintgamers.heliohost.org's WebMaster.


I see other folders there as well, so just to be clear, I put it in the root directory of the public_html

Also, before I forget, thank you very much for your response, it is VERY much appreciated.

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Ok, it works perfectly now, thank you VERY much. The problem was very simple... I just had to wait another day. My main domain (saintgamers.heliohost.org) was not created yet, even though I could access it through the cpanel and create directories/add files/etc. This morning though, my site seems to be up and fully functional, thank you for all your help, it is GREATLY appreciated.

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