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Apache ScriptLog CGI Errors/Debugging?

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I keep getting errors when I try to use the ScriptLog directive.


Is this now allowed in .htaccess?


I've tried:

ScriptLog script_log
ScriptLog /script_log
ScriptLog /public_html/script_log
ScriptLog /home/hawleyal/public_html/script_log


How in the world are you supposed to debug CGI without ScriptLog?









if that's causing you 500 errors then it's probaly not allowed. You can however add this to a script if your having problems and it will write to a text file with the errors.


use CGI::Carp qw(carpout); 
use diagnostics;
open(LOG, ">errors.txt"); 

use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);



You can also check your "Error log" at your cpanel for errors.


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