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Setting up hosting for co.cc domain


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Hi, I recently signed up for heliohost, using a co.cc domain which I had previously registered, but am having trouble setting up the domain. I recieved the following email from heliohost:


Your hosting account at HelioHost has been installed. Here is your account information:

Username: xxxx (note: case sensitive!)

Password: xxxx

Domain: xxxx.co.cc

Control Panel URL: http://xxxx.co.cc/cpanel


Please note that you may have to wait before your account becomes active. If this is so, you will see a suspended message on your domain until validation.


I can't log into the cpanel at heliohost.org. I am able to log into the cpanel at the domain, and it redirects me to my account on the co.cc site, but it wants me to setup the domain and to be honest I'm not sure how :unsure:


The co.cc wants me to setup the domain "name server", "zone record", and "url forwarding", and I'm not sure where to find this information :(


Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks :)

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You want to set the name servers at co.cc to the heliohost's name servers:





and that's it.




btw, dns changes usually take about 24hrs to take effect but the way registration is going with the server it may take a few days. :(


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