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CPanal Log in to prevent account being deleated?


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I read somewhere on here that you have to log into your Cpanal every month to stop your account being deleated. I am a member of a Heliohosted site dumbledoresarmy.co.cc. We have multiple admins all of whom have Cpanals, however there is one member who oversees all of technical stuff on the site, is he the one that would have to log into the Cpanal? The site is very active, and lots of things get updated daily.



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Do you know if it has been logged into this month?


No I couldn't tell you. Why share an account with somebody else when you can register your own anyway? That way you wouldn't have to depend on another person to loggin for you.




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I am actually thinking of creating an account on here, however I am asking this on behalf of the other people on the site. The person who controls all the techy stuff hasn't been on in a while so we don't know if he has logged into the Cpanal or not. Is there anyway for us to make sure that our site doesn't get deleated. It's a forum so there are a lot of memebers.

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I don't think he would choose to abandon the account but he has been very busy recently.


It's still up to him to login. I can't login for him. The only advice I can give you is to contact him and remind him.


Thanks, I managed to contact him and he has now logged in.

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