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Database connectivity


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Hi, I'm programming a tool wich will need a online database to be fully operational. Yes it can be done in php the problem is I don't know enough php coding to do it, on the other hand I do know enough c++ to do it. But 'admins' must be able to send messages, organise events, users can join events and so on, all will be coded in the program but for some parts its obvious that a database is required.


Therefor i want to ask, if I create a user with a wildcard hostmask to a database can I connect remotely than?



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I would really recommend you learn PHP. But yeah, you can allow access from all clients. Add %.%.%.% to your allowed SQL access list.


Thx for the info!


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The goal is to learn php but i found that I need to figure out html, css aswell. Currently I'm quiet good at c++, considering the next 2 months I don't have that much time i'll rather prefer to finish up the program after wich I'll start porting it to php. (I already finished some forms but encounter some problems as i'm not familiar with the structure yet.)

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