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Domain still going to old host?


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So, I am totally new on this...


I have this website: shippingworldwide.us that I had hosted with 000webhost.com. I decided to change to HelioHost but I can't figure out how to make it work.


To be honest I don't even know how I did it the first time with 000webhost... I changed the nameservers and deleted the 000webhost account... and it STILL redirects me to an error page of 000webhost.


I am so confused! Is there any other steps I have to take?


Do I have to redirect my domain name from HelioHost to my actual domain name? I think that that is what I did with 000webhost, but I don't evem know if I have a random HelioHost domain name that I have to redirect to my page (example shippingworldwide.heliohost.com)


Help please!

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Have you regestered a domain with heliohost yet? If you just have changed the name servers to:





then you'll have to wait at least 24 hrs. to see the changes, but you'll still either need to register a domain with heliohost as shippingworldwide.us or a sub domain under heliohost.org.




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I changed the servernames today, just a few hours ago. But normally when I changed the servernames before it was instantly... maybe I just have to wait this time...


To be honest, I registered my account with HelioHost a long time ago, so I have no idea what is my domain... I don't know if I registered my original shippingworldwide.us or if it was something different.

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To be honest, I registered my account with HelioHost a long time ago, so I have no idea what is my domain... I don't know if I registered my original shippingworldwide.us or if it was something different.


Then it probably isn't there anymore since I'm guessing you haven't logged in to your account in the last 30 days. You might as well re-register with this domain name "shippingworldwide.us" and you'll be all set to go.


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Hey! I got it.


The domain was still registered, and yes it was shippingworldwide.us


The problem was that even though I changed the servernames, when I checked them again 1 hour again they were different =S, they weren't even the old server's names, just something random (can't explain why)... but anyways, I changed them again and now the site works.


Thank you SO SO much for the quick responses!

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Cool. Lucky you that your account hadn't been deleted yet... we're going through the list of around 15,000 old accounts and we've only deleted about 3,500 of them so far. If you've logged into cPanel as of late, you should be fine.

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