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Email Questions


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I just recently signed up for free hosting, and while I was at it, I decided to finally buy a domain for my website. My question is about email addresses... my domain is www.projectvb.com , and I set up a few email addresses (dogp @ and virtual.boy @). I'm sure I'm doing something stupid or not understanding something, but I can't get the email working. I've sent a few emails to those addresses (from my verizon account) and I get unable to deliver error messages, and while I can log into the webmail (Horde), I never see any emails come in, and if I try to send any, I get this error:

There was an error sending your message: Failed to connect to localhost:25 [sMTP: Failed to connect socket: Connection refused (code: -1, response: )] .


I guess I wouldn't mind just having it forward those emails to my verizon account, but from reading the forwarding info, it sounds like it goes to both... will that cause emails to bounce if I don't periodically log in and delete messages? I did try setting it anyway just to test, and either it's really slow, or it's not forwarding. I assume if I get the emails coming into my account here, the best way would be to set my verizon account to pull the email from this server (external POP)?


So, could you explain what options I have for email, or what I'm doing wrong?


BTW, have there been some unusual problems with the webhost lately? I've noticed quite a few times in the last few days both this site and my hosted site have been down.




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  • 3 weeks later...
Everything should be better now. Sorry about that.


Thanks... it looks to be working properly, although do you have any idea why I can't seem to send emails to a Verizon account? If I send an email to any of my yahoo accounts, it shows up almost instantly, but any emails to any Verizon accounts disappear never to be seen (not in spam folders or anything). I can send emails to my projectvb.com email address from Verizon just fine. Does Verizon have your mail server blocked as a spam server or something? Have you had anyone else note similar problems? I have to believe it's something on their end, but I figured I'd check with you first, since you're a human who may be able to give an answer, and Verizon isn't ;-).




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Verizon must have blocked us, as has Hotmail. Unfortunately, I'm not exactly sure how to alleviate this issue. If you can find an "unblock" form with either email provider I would be grateful if you could put the link here so I can fill it out.

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Verizon must have blocked us, as has Hotmail. Unfortunately, I'm note exactly sure how to alleviate this issue. If you can find an "unblock" form with either email provider I would be grateful if you could put the link here so I can fill it out.


Hmm... I put what I believe to be the mail server's IP here: http://www.mxtoolbox.com/blacklists.aspx and it says it's not blocked on any of the common blacklists. Maybe you can try as well, since it's possible I didn't put the correct IP (I just did ping mail.projectvb.com to get the IP). I'll see if I can get any answers from Verizon about this, but more than likely any support person I talk to will say... "uh... maybe you can try rebooting, or unplug the modem" :-/.



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Thanks for looking into this. Yeah, I tried both main IPs they could have blocked and both seem to be okay.


I looked around and found this page: http://www2.verizon.net/micro/whitelist/ ... I didn't fill it out, since I assume the ISP form pulls more weight than the user form... maybe you can fill that out? I didn't find the Hotmail page, but I found this reference: http://forums.rimuhosting.com/forums/showthread.php?t=376 , talking about a delivery trouble form. On that post there's also mention of using domainkeys to prevent blacklisting, although I'm not familiar with that.




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  • 1 month later...
Okay, I've submitted the MSN form as well.

I am free hosting a domain kannurbeachhouse.com. I am happy with the hosting. But I am facing the problem of bouncing mail to some mail id's including hotmail.


One of the tools pointed out few problems:


Reverse MX A records (PTR) ERROR: No reverse DNS (PTR) entries. The problem MX records are: -> no reverse (PTR) detected


Could be this the reason some mail servers are not accepting the mail ?


Ather problems


SOA EXPIRE Your SOA EXPIRE number is: 3600000. That is NOT OK

Different autonomous systems WARNING: Single point of failure

Different subnets WARNING: Not all of your nameservers are in different subnets


thank you

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