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Question about ASP.NET part of this hosting


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Hello everyone , newcomer here...

I am looking for free ASP.NET host and stumbled upon this host..after some reading on the forum , it seems to me that HelioNet is pretty good for community type of websites , but after seeing a post where it was said that apache's mono module is currently disabled - I have several questions :

- Is it enabled now?

- If yes - whats are plans about its activity - is it safe to assume that it won't be shut down for too much time?

- Will HelioNet give warning if they are going to disable the mono module for long period - so website can be moved anywhere else?

- If its disabled - will it be enabled in the future?

- Without digging through mono project documentation , can anyone sum up known/especially nasty bugs in mono .NET implementation , that I should be aware of?


Also , as far as I know mono is less efficient at processing aspx pages than IIS - if anyone have ASP.NET website on HelioNet - can comment this?

(My ASP.NET site is not ready yet to put on a host - so I am checking up my options :) )

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Hmm... It seems I should have checked this forum before signing up, the entire reason I got an account with Heliohost is it's ASP.NET compatibility. Is there anything I/we as users can do to aid the convalescence of Heliohosts ASP.NET functionality?

Having done a rather extensive search over the World Wide Web I have found no other free hosts that use ASP.NET without some form of annoying catch... Can anyone recommend one? Or at least inform me of a very cheap ASP.NET host? I say very cheap or free not because I begrudge paying for a service I use but because I'm really poor! :(


Cheers all and anyone! :D

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The only thing you guys could do to help get ASP.NET back online is to give us more money so we can purchase a new server.


I'm working on making a more in-depth signup script that will hopefully slow down signups which should speed up the server which might allow us to re-enable ASP.NET, but I'm not sure at this point. I'll hopefully know more details in around a month.

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