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plastic surgery, witness protection program. Thats what I have to say. lol.


And I dont care who has my address, cuz unless you know the mailman, you aint gunna find your way around York County by addresses.


Nice? He [bleeped!] thorws the mail at me every time I go up to meet him! I mean, yeah, I'm in my underwear, but he doesnt have to throw [bleeped!] at me!


No... I decided to get back into jogging everyday now that I quit smoking, and god [bleeped!] if my knees werent killing me after a quarter mile...


YOU SMOKE??????? you just lost all the points in my list that i had gave you... ^_^

at least you're quiting... do that and i might reconsider... ^_^

and the knees must be lack of exercise. If not, go to a doctor..


Week ago... everyone in the house quit. [bleeped!], my freaking dentist was just giving me crap about it three weeks ago...

Thats probobly what it is with my knees, OR that snowboarding accident in january, OR the several skateboarding incedents since march.


problably the skateboarding...

my friend had a frien who is a skatist... his doc told him that if he suffered one more accident his knee was condamned... he would have to do a surgery and everything


*Picks topic up and drags it back ON TOPIC*


Does anybody know anyone involoved in the london bombings? I think there talking about 50 deaths and 700 injuries, which is horrible :(

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