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Hello, I'm a bit concerned about account activation. It's been a couple days since registration. I realize there have been some issues with the server and I understand. Not too much in a hurry, but what I'm really concerned about is if eventually it'll be activated or if it'll just remain in ether somewhere in some forgotten pocket of time and space. I guess what I'm asking for is just some assurance. Silence is making me think all sorts of stuff.




Do you get anything at all when you try to go to your site? Mine took about 5 days to finally start working. You may just need to be patient. :)







It's been awhile since I signed up but it seems I remember getting a page that said my account wasn't activated yet, so I'm thinking you might need to sign up again. Does anybody else remember this?




btw, did you recieve a confirmation email with your cpanel login url after you signed up?



btw, did you recieve a confirmation email with your cpanel login url after you signed up?


I sure did. I received an e-mail informing me that my account has been installed along with the login information for cpanel and url.


It also says that since my account is not activated yet, I should see a "suspended" message in the meantime. But I see no such message. Just errors to connect.


Since I'm not the administrator, I really don't know what to tell you since you did get a confirmtion email. Just try to be patient for another day or two which is all you can do since sign ups are disabled at this time anyway. Wish I could be more reassurring, sorry :(



tablecat.co.cc is the domain I registered here with.


You don't have the dns set up yet. You need to point tablecat.co.cc to heliohost's name servers:







tablecat.co.cc is the domain I registered here with.


You don't have the dns set up yet. You need to point tablecat.co.cc to heliohost's name servers:





Hey, I know how this works. It's been pointing at heliohost name servers since 2008-12-31 and nothing, just error pages. This has been no error on my part. I'm not sure what's going on here with the host, but I have read elsewhere that this is the "number one" so I thought I'd give it a try, and consequently, a chance. I'm still wanting to use this host, but there's nothing on my end that I can do. All I've got to do is wait and see what the host has to say about my situation, but no word yet...

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