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We're happy to announce that we've made some changes to the way Java access is installed on the Johnny server, and it seems to be having a very positive effect on the wait times.


Java is one of our most popular services that we offer, but it uses a lot of memory, and the more people who have access to it the higher the memory usage becomes. We obviously have a finite amount of memory available on each server so we have to restrict who has access. To request access you just create an account on Johnny or Tommy and click the Java button in cpanel. Tommy accounts usually receive access within 24 hours, but the wait on Johnny is considerably longer. Prior to the changes on May 24th the wait time estimate for a Johnny account to receive Java access was a ridiculous 6 months! Since the changes that wait time has dropped drastically and now is sitting at about 45 days. Still a long wait, but much better than 6 months. If you need Java access as soon as possible it's still a good idea to create an account on Tommy, but the wait time is looking a lot better on Johnny too.

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