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ive never used sql before and am unsure how to set up the account with my smf, specifically i believe the problem occurs in reference to the mySql Servername; i have tried: "localhost" (the reccomended) "stevie" (the heliohost server i am on) and "horisoci" (my username). any help on this would be greatly appreciated,


thank you,




You must first create a MySQL user and database using Cpanel.


1. Go to your cPanel (You can access it using cpanel."your-webaddress".com, for example if your domain is http://www.test.heliohost.org, it would be cpanel.test.heliohost.org)

2. Locate the Database section and click on MySQL Databases

3. Locate the section labeled "Create New Database" and type in a name for your database in the textbox below. Just put in smf.

4. After that, you need to create an user so that you can access and edit that database. Once again go to MySQL Databases but this time scroll a little down and locate the label Add New Users.

5. Type in an username and password in the corresponding textboxes and hit Create User.

6. Once you have created the user, you must allow it to access the database that you have created in the third step. To do this, once again go to MySQL Databases and scroll all the way down to locate the section labeled Add User to Database. Select the user and database that you would like to connect and click add.

7. Done!


Once you have done those steps, find the section labeled Current Databases and note that database and user. Go to SMF Configuration and type in localhost as the servername, horisoci_smf as the database name, the user that you created for that MySQL database as the username, and the password of that user. Leave the port as it is.

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