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Hi all,


Just recently applied for webspace here, and now currently awaiting the 48 hours because I chose the co.cc redirection option. My question is, are we able to host a wordpress site on these webspaces? Sorry if this has been asked before I've just done a search and couldn't find any information on this specifically. Also does the webspace provide a one click installation for Wordpress?





Thanks for such a speedy response!


djbob - I tried to send you a PM, but in my inbox, it's displaying nothing within Sent Items I assume it didn't go through. Anyway instead of starting a new thread, I thought I'd put it here;


I have a question, which I thought would be best asked through PM, if this wasn't allowed please excuse my ignorance. Anyway, as you already know, I've applied for an account with the .co.cc domain. And again today I've applied for another account using 'theijunkies.heliohost.org' as the domain. Do you see there being a potential problem having them both active? Because as I understand it, the one I've requested with co.cc essentially still points to theijunkies.heliohost.org isn't it?


Reason why I wanted two, is one is purely going to be for testing. If this isn't allowed, please feel free to remove the second I've signed up for today (i.e. theijunkies.heliohost.org)


The signup script is very clear about only allowing one account per user. You need to add your .CO.CC domain as a Parked Domain under your original account.


Were you able to successfully create two accounts, or did you get an error when you were creating the second one?


My IP always changes because I always turn my modem off when I sleep :) to prevent hacking of my computer. But don't worry, I will not make another account. Can you host more then one domain on one account?

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