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Hey, I'm new here.

I have just recently Registered a .co.cc name with Heliohost and so far the experience hasn't been to great.


On my first attempt to register, i received an email after quite a period of time, saying:



"Dear <username>,

Your hosting account at HelioHost has encountered an error during installation. The error is:


The / partition on this server is running out of disk space.

WHM operation has been temporarily suspended to prevent something bad from happening.

Please ask your system admin to remove any files not in use on that partition.</h3>





Please visit http:///signup.php and try to signup again.



HelioHost Staff"



After that, i tried again.

The account install was successful with this email:



"Dear <username>,

Your hosting account at HelioHost has been installed. Here is your account information:

Username: <username>

Password: ********

Domain: <url>.co.cc

Control Panel URL: <url>.co.cc/cpanel


Please note that you may have to wait for account validation before your account becomes active. If this is so, you will see a suspended message on your domain until validation.



HelioHost Staff"



The .co.cc URL has had time to adjust the Settings

I have not waited the full 24 hours but the cPanel is not working.


Is this normal?

Please Reply.


Ok, I've waited the full 24 hours (plus a few more).

I still don't see anything but the 'Problem Loading Page' Screen.

The cPanel isn't there.


What can i do???



Hello, the same thing has happened to my account. I tried to sign up about a week ago but I recived an email telling me about not enough space and that I should sign up again. I signed up again and have now waited about 3 days for it to be validated but still nothing, if you go to the link provided in an email gamesquid.heliohost.org/cpanel it only shows a page not found error.




Maybe your domain hasn't been validated yet because of the recent downtime. Just try it another day, then try to bring it to the attention of Djbob




Turns out there was an error in the account creation daemon. I have fixed it and put the daemon on full throttle. Hopefully, all accounts should be validated soon :)


OK cool. When can i expect it to be up and running?

(still not working)

Thanks for your help so far :)


Just checking, is this the right configuration for .co.cc?:


Thanks again.



One other thing: I can't log-in to cPanel at the bottom of the main heliohost.org site either, or at http://www.heliohost.org:2082/login/

I suppose that is expected for the current problem, but I'm just putting it out there, on the slight chance that it changes anything :lol:

Thanks again. :)


Still not working... checked and double checked...

This is getting a bit annoying. Why are their so many problems?

Still not working... checked and double checked...

This is getting a bit annoying. Why are their so many problems?

We switched to a new server not to long ago, still a few kinks in the system.

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