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I'd like also to change my main domain, because I thought that my domain registrar would allow nameserver configuration, but it wasn't possible (as it's a free domain).

So would you change my main domain from domain.net (it's still redirected to the old server) to domain.co.cc ? My username used in Heliohost's signup is papukai.



Ps. Is it normal that the disk usage of /var is at 80-90% (this is from the cpanel's server status for Stevie) ?


Out of curiosity, what registrar do you use? All registrars should allow nameserver changes. If you are listed as the domain's owner and your email is listed, you should be able to transfer to another registrar if you need to.

Out of curiosity, what registrar do you use? All registrars should allow nameserver changes. If you are listed as the domain's owner and your email is listed, you should be able to transfer to another registrar if you need to.


I got my domain (which I can't use for Helionet, so please change my domain as requested) from my ISP which is Belgacom (belgacom.be/dns). As my domain is a "free" domain (it's included in the internet subscription), I'm not going to change my domain registrar. That's true that they should allow nameserver configuration.

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