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Hey all. As you can see, I am extremely new.

I would just like to ask, is it possible for me to use my cPanel full backup made from my previous host? Both this host and my previous host(x10hosting) use cPanel. I think both these hosts use the same version..



funny i just left x10 too. mainly because I saw you had asp.net for free. also I didn't realise until I had my account but you give unlimited sql databases parked and add-on domains and unlimited ftp. you also only do free hosting so you have given me a lot better support. plus you don't have to sign into the forum every two weeks to not get banned. so you don't mind if we run a cron job to backup our account to a free ftp file host. i think there is an its set to be passive so it shouldn't affect the server much.


too much downtime on stoli... and exim is always down..


PS - i still wasnt confirmed, and yesterday, for the whole day, heliohost was down... ^^

so you don't mind if we run a cron job to backup our account to a free ftp file host. i think there is an its set to be passive so it shouldn't affect the server much.
We have a two cron a day limit, so as long as your script doesn't use an inordinate amount of resources and isn't run hourly or anything, you should be fine.

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