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I'm needing to switch domains cause my old one's running out and I don't want it anymore anyway. Can I do this?

(I'm sure this must be around somewhere, but I couldn't find it with search and I got 64 vocab words to do in Chemistry tonight so I don't have much time to look for it)



If you're talking about Top Level Domains, then probably, as long as your last one is expiring and you're new one isn't taken. You have to have the posts though, no?


I bought one already..I just want to use this to host it, but the other domain name is the one signed up.


Ok. Well, do you got any idea how to do that? I would have guessed that there would be some account setting somewhere to change the domain, but I'm just not finding it.


djbob, Could you help me out here? My domain name is fcprogramming.com and I want to get it set up with my hosting account here...


Edit: whoops, wasn't paying attention and double posted..sorry.


Edit: OR should I just sign up for a new hosting account and have you delete the old one?


Either way will work. If you want me to switch the main domain, let me know what your HelioHost username is (the one you use to sign in to cPanel).


Cpanel login should be jjpriest


I appreciate it, man.


I fooled around with some other free hosts while I was waiting for you to respond here, and honestly, they just don't compare to this. I tried freehostia and it's just not the same. So, like I said, I appreciate what you do here.


Well, I went ahead and signed up for a different account. I guess you can just delete the other one at your leisure.


By the way, I hope the new home page is coming along...I don't care for this current one; I don't even know what a roxxor is.


Anyway, cpanel isn't coming up, but I guess that's probably cause nothings updated yet..



edit: these are the nameservers, right? NS3.HELIOHOST.ORG NS4.HELIOHOST.ORG


or are they ns1 and ns2?


Sorry that I didn't have the time to switch your domain. The nameservers are now ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org (for the new server). Your account should be active now.


Sorry for my late response.





It's no problem. I understand not having time--I feel like I have none after school+extracurriculars... I've actually not had time to have done much with my account anyway, so tis perfecto anyway.


Thanks a bunch.


Hey man,


my domain's still not working right-- Godaddy confirmed that the dns nameservers are pointed correctly here.


So, I'm wondering if maybe my account didn't get activated?



Oh, right... duplicate accounts are not allowed and accounts with the same email or IP are terminated immediately. A fake success page is given to frustrate the user.


I went ahead and just switched the main main domain for your jjpriest account to fcprogramming.com. It should be working soon enough.


Oh man, :lol: I can't stop laughing!


Well, thanks for getting it working order then.


[bleeped!]....fake success page, :lol:


Yeah. I thought that if I told the user that their account was a duplicate then they would just make a new email and use a proxy. I guess I ought to display some sort of error message, though...

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