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So I installed a forum, and transfered my wordpress blog from the other host-domain seeing that there's currently no ads on this one as of yet. Now at the start of my forum, which I don't expect to become very popular that soon, I see that "Monthly Bandwidth Transfer" in percentage has been ticking up one each day.


As I've just entered the world of web-development I'm not very knowledgable about bandwidth, I just read the wikipedia article, and get kinda worried when I read:

If the total amount of data downloaded from the website in a particular month reaches this limit, the hosting company may shut off further public access to the site.

... eek.


I suspect that most of the bandwidth currently used is from me editing my website and forum, but something tells me that others have a better idea.


Well it'd take a lot for you to be using your bandwidth, one percent is several megabytes. So unless you're visiting your site a lot, it probably is a glitch. I'm not an expert though, so I might be wrong.


On another hand, your bandwidth resets every month, so even if you go up a notch every day, by the time you're near full, it'll reset.



there's currently no ads on this one as of yet
There won't be any ads :)


How close are you to filling up your bandwidth quota? HelioHost will indeed shut off your site if you go past the quota, but 2500mb is going to be really hard to reach by yourself...

Check Awstats in your cPanel for more bandwidth details.


226.16/2500 MB


When checking awstats I see that I have during the five days since I started my site used:



20702_____29129___61.00 MB


And this is an acquainted who is only participating on the forum:


1348______2751____13.77 MB


I wonder if it has something to do with that nextBBS forum beta-software.


That just means most of your bandwidth so far has been used on FTP. Did you upload around 150mb or so of data?


Either way, you've got a lot of bandwidth to go... I'm sure you'll be fine ;)


Nice to hear :)


Disk space usage: 43.72/250 MB


I have first of all uploaded the installation program for my forum - which was about five and a half megabytes.


Also a few minor things like the self-made theme for my blog and the logo on my forum - I wonder if the logo is too big, but at least it is PNG so I guess the file size souldn't be that big.


2.5GB is rather hard to be used up by only you yourself.

Even though it's just about uploading your root folder, it only cost once.

After your bandwidth recovered the next month,

try not to always access files and change it as FTP also counts in your bandwidth usage.

Daily routine admin works on forum shouldn't cost much bandwidth.

  • 4 weeks later...



7th Septemper and 19 percentage of bandwidth used - 464.85/2500 MB


In the past few days I have edited the site alot with the File Manager, the wordpress panel and the admin panel for the forum. I have also installed SimplePie RSS parser which I spent some time figuring out, I used it to show the last site-relevant blog posts and news.


Is there reason to worry? Should I maybe just stop editing the site so much?


I'm still not sure if I understand the Awstats.


What don't you understand about Awstats? Bandwidth usage should be displayed on the rightmost side of the first table.


It was abit confusing when the summary said that "traffic viewed" (181.63 MB) in addition to "traffic not viewed" (90.61 MB) was less than what the cPanel said was the bandwidth transfer of this month (currently 505.88 MB), but I guess it adds up if I also include the bandwidth of other sections of the stats.


It's abit bothersome that so much of the bandwidth seem to be used from the US (135.06 MB) when my whole site is in norwegian (23.15 MB).


I'm not quite sure if this is the bandwidth I use, but I see that it is pretty much the same as "Traffic Viewed" in the summary:


Authenticated users - Other logins (and/or anonymous users) - 181.63 MB.


Google Bot also seem to drain alot of bandwidth (71.42 MB), I guess it might help if I make a robots.txt.


I consider moving my blog again to another free cPanel host to get rid of some of the worry, and maybe also get a more simple blog URL adress.


As that nextBBS beta forum software was abit of a pain, and that this other host provider that I found provides an amount of bandwidth that is... umm... different! I might actually make a new forum.


I hope it doesn't hurt anyone too much if I give up my forum on Helio's host.


Still, me blog produces huge quantities of traffic, I assure you.


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