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We're doing another server move, and this one looks like its final - at least for a while. HelioHost is relocated to our brand new server called Stevie (check the "Changes Coming" thread for more information), which is the first webserver we actually own. Owning your own hardware is a rarity for free hosts - in fact, I've never heard of another free host that owns it own hardware - so this should be an important step in ramping up HelioHost's offerings.


What this means to you:

We will be taking HelioHost's current server offline in about three months (October 14th). In order to avoid massive server outages during moves and to avoid moving accounts that aren't even being used, we are going to do account transfers incrementally over the next three months. In order to request that your account be transferred to the new server you must make a new topic in the "Server Move" forum under the "Customer Support" forum. FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS OUTLINED AT THE TOP OF THE "Server Move" FORUM! All your settings, files, databases, etc. should be conserved in the server move, so no need to worry.


This server will also speed up HelioHost, so your accounts will now run faster. In addition, the new server is compatible with the JSP scripting language. Look out for more changes as we continue to improve our free hosting service!





I allowed my old hosting to run out, so I'm going to need to sign up again. When can I sign up again and be assured that my new account is on the new server?


Also on a side note, do you know how long it will be before you get python up and running? (are you going to install django as well)



When can I sign up again and be assured that my new account is on the new server?
The signup script should be back online and pointing to the new server ASAP.


Also on a side note, do you know how long it will be before you get python up and running? (are you going to install django as well)
Turns out we had Python all along, apparently - it was compiled in CGI. You had to create a cgi-bin and declare the Python directory at the top with "#!/usr/bin/python". I am still looking into django, but I'll let you know.

HelioNet and HelioHost are currently still on the old server. There will be no effect to them when they are moved, however.


A little note for those of you who are switching over:


Make sure that you go through every page and make sure it works the way it did on the old server. For whatever reason, my forum decided it wanted to act up once the move was completed. First it gave me a notice that it couldn't delete from /cache/ then it stopped showing images so that the entire forum was text-only. It got weirder and weirder from there. I ended up backing up my database, deleting the file structure, and reinstalling it. The database restore corrected all but 3 text fields (apparently they weren't being held in the database? weird). All in all, I've had no major issues.


In short: Make sure that your file permissions are set up properly.


That's weird. The system should have conserved file permissions, but I guess it screwed up. Thanks for the heads-up.


I don't think it was necessarily a problem with conserving the file permissions. I think it was working by chance on the old server, and then when it got to Stevie, he basically said, "Hey, this file permissions don't allow for that. I'm putting a stop to it." and my forums went, "Aww! But the old server let us do it!"


... Yeah.


In non-AI server terms: It was a fluke it worked in the first place. I never configured the file permissions away from 755.


Oh, I know what that was. I stopped suPHP from checking file permissions on the old server because it was annoyingly disabling anything with too much permissions. I forgot to do the same fix on the new server.

I'll add that to my to-do list.


HelioHost and HelioNet have now been moved to the new server. You might notice the increased site speed ^_^



I've finished fixing up suPHP now - those file permission errors shouldn't happen again.

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