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This is a topic to post your favorite board game. Tell us what you like about it and if you have any traditions with it.


I personally don't play that many board games...at all.

Except for SCRABBLE, which I play all the time. I like the mental challenge to it; the fact that it's not a game ALL about luck. But there is a luck factor to it, so that keeps it interesting. Also, it's a game that sharpens your vocabulary. I don't necessarily know the definition of all the words played, but it does increase the number of words I know which gives me a chance to look them up and memorize them.


For those of you who don't play any board games, whatsoever, think about this. (If this doesn't apply, just change the situation a bit) Say it snows and snows and snows, and you can't even get out of your driveway. Then the power goes out. You and your family and maybe a couple friends are just chilling without power. You decide to play a board game. What game would you play?


I personally love Boggle. It's similar to scrabble in the fact that there is a big mental challenge, and a small luck factor too. We've had our game of Boggle for so long that we've lost the instructions so I don't know how it's supposed to be played correctly, so we just go for the normal three minutes, and then call out the words that we wrote down, if anyone has the same word you cross it off your lists, then whoever has the most words leftover wins that round.


Sometimes if we're feeling competitive we add up all the words from all the rounds we played and whoever had the most wins that day.


That's interesting. I didn't even know what boggle was until earlier this year. Our school tightened up security on the limitations of web pages; meaning virtually all game sites were blocked--and with all the pointless and super easy computer classes I had, I had to do something on the internet. Eventually I found this site that had boggle on it, and I played it pretty much every day. I don't really think I was that good, but I got scores of 50 and 60 a couple times...anyway, good enough for the high scores of the day.


I've never played the actual board game version though. I've got a brand new boggle box set sitting downstairs that we got for Christmas a few years ago, but nobody has played it yet. Maybe we oughta give it a shot...


i dont really know what my fav is... i guess id have to say either labyrinth, settlers of catan or chess (even tho im not that great at chess).


and i kno its not really a board game but has anyone ever played munchkin (card game)? thats really fun too.


My favorite has to be RISK. Must be something about conquering the world that makes it appealing to me. There is strategy involved as well as luck when it comes to rolling the dice. I've also played RISK 2210 A.D. It has some of the features of classic RISK, but adds a lot more variables making it more difficult. The strategy for winning 2210 has eluded me thus far, but I'm getting better.

Chess and checkers mates! Games of the mind which gives you a good sense of strategy in life. That's the way that I see it anyway! :)



I beleive thats the point of most board games lol, except the little kid ones. Labyrinth and Settlers of Catan are really strategy oriented.


Honestly, I've never even heard of Labyrinth or settlers of catan...


@Meriadoc I used to really love risk! I never could figure out how to play it right, though, so eventually I stopped playing. I do think I played this computer version called lex luther or something like that. That was a couple years ago though.


The same goes for Chess. Back when I was in elementary school, chess was the thing to do at recess. I quickly became one of the best(probably the best, actually) and I beat this one guy in 29 seconds. It was like 4 moves each, and I somehow trapped him. I haven't played it all for like 5 or six years, though.


Risk takes so long to play, and the pieces are tiny. XD


I used to beat my elementary school teachers at chess. ;) It was all the rage to play chess in 5th-6th grade, I got so good that no one wanted to play me. :(

  • 2 weeks later...

I like Outrage! :P

You probably won't have heard of it, but you basically have to steal the crown jewels from the tower of london before the other players do.


Another board game I thought of that would make my top 5 list is called Acquire. I haven't played it in quite a few years, but want to add it to my stock of games. Here is a short description for those not familiar with it.



As a powerful real estate tycoon, there are only seven hotel chains in the world worthy of your attention. Using nothing but your wealth and wits, you must vie against other business magnates to manipulate construction and capitalize on mergers -- buying, trading, and selling stocks in order to get the greatest return on your investments.


Acquire challenges you to pit your resources- resolve against other players in this high-finance game of speculation and strategy!

Another board game I thought of that would make my top 5 list is called Acquire. I haven't played it in quite a few years, but want to add it to my stock of games. Here is a short description for those not familiar with it.



As a powerful real estate tycoon, there are only seven hotel chains in the world worthy of your attention. Using nothing but your wealth and wits, you must vie against other business magnates to manipulate construction and capitalize on mergers -- buying, trading, and selling stocks in order to get the greatest return on your investments.


Acquire challenges you to pit your resources- resolve against other players in this high-finance game of speculation and strategy!


Acquire sounds really complex...like it would be a really good game for the computer where it does all the hard, monotonous money counting and stuff for you. I always got tired of being the banker in Monopoly and having to dish out money in the beginning and then practically every turn after that.



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