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Okay fanboys! :)


Which console do you prefer most? and why?


I prefer the PS2 since I'm an avid Sony fan. From TVs to remotes, my gadgets are Sony branded. Although, I've been hearing that the 360 is a better system. :huh:


How about you? Which do you prefer?




Let's make this topic more reasonable. :D




Cult fascination.


Do you know why and how sony got into the video game consol market? Originally the play station was a concept made by Nintendo. Nintendo approached Sony to develop the technology for the CDROM which would have been used, a contract was signed and Sony got to work. Nintendo reviewed the contract later and decided that they got a raw deal so the defected to phillips and made a seriously uncool declaration at the Consumer Electronics Show in 1991.

So here was sony stuck with a product and no market so instead of doing what others might have done, i.e. cut your losses and hold a grudge against Nintendo, Sony decided to stick it in Nintendo's face and finished development launching the PSX on the 3rd of December 1994(Japan), 9th of September 1995(US) and 29th of September 1995 (Europe).

(FYI Nintendo sued, greedy b*st*rds!)

Sony followed the PSX tradition by producing with the most loved console in history, the PS2


I dont like Nintendo cuz i believe the breach of contract they pulled on Sony was unprofessional, and i lost respect for them and hence i have never, currently do not and probably never will support them. Even back in the days when they duked it out with Sega i was a Sega fan!


I bear no grudge against Microsucks Microsocks Macrohard Microsoft, i would buy the Xbox (and am in the process of doing so) but no matter how good they make it, it will ALWAYS defer to




It has nothing to do which is a better system, or which is priced ok.

It's called brand loyalty, given a choice i will alway pick a Sony product above any other brand on the market today(Except for cellphones, there i'm a Samsung fan).


Explanation enough for you?


Sure it's way better. :D


But will you choose loyalty over the quality? Sure Sony gives great gadgets, but they're not perfect. Would you rather choose a not so good Sony gadget to a better brand? I wouldn't.


Its the same reason why parents choose to stick hidiously ugly pictures drawn by their chirldren on walls over beautiful paintings made by famous artists.




Why one guy will always support a particular football team regardless of how much they have lost and regardless of the fact that there are better teams out there.


It transends the issue of quality, hence you can not use quality alone as the measure of the degree of brand loyalty. For instance i'm a Chelsea fan, even if Arsenal was better i'd still be a Chelsea fan. Even if they lost evey game for the next ten years, I'D STILL BE A CHELSEA FAN!



Man, i feel like i'm back at University!

Its the same reason why parents choose to stick hidiously ugly pictures drawn by their chirldren on walls over beautiful paintings made by famous artists.




Why one guy will always support a particular football team regardless of how much they have lost and regardless of the fact that there are better teams out there.


It transends the issue of quality, hence you can not use quality alone as the measure of the degree of brand loyalty. For instance i'm a Chelsea fan, even if Arsenal was better i'd still be a Chelsea fan. Even if they lost evey game for the next ten years, I'D STILL BE A CHELSEA FAN!



Man, i feel like i'm back at University!


Not all parents hang their kids stuff on the wall, and some would prefer the drawings since it's cheaper. :P


Say Sony becomes a greedy [bleeped!] company you'll still be loyal to them? Even though they're already ripping you off with cheap things you still accept them because of your loyalty?



Hmm, tough call.


For now lets just say loyalty is like boiling water, if you dont keep the heat up it cools down.


I like xboxes, especially their controller. I don't know why, but I've never liked the feel of the sony controller. I've never really used a wii so I can't compare that, so I'll stick with the good ol' xbox360(as long as it doesn't get a stupid red light of death)...

Hmm, tough call.


For now lets just say loyalty is like boiling water, if you dont keep the heat up it cools down.

LOLL@phoexer's fandom.

I applaud your logical argument, but I hear no mentions of the PS3?


My preference right now are based not the consoles themselves, but the games that can run on them. I haven't seen any killer apps for the PS3 yet, but the 360 has Halo 3(*drools*), and the Wii has Brawl. So you know... *cough!*

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