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This sounds like cracking to me.

Why don't just crack it then?


p/s: For your info, some trial limit functionality of software. e.g. MagicISO will allow you to only decompile file as large as 300MB in trial, unlimited in full version.


I'm sure some-most of us all do it, but I'm not so sure if we should be advocating it on this site.

As JcX said, trial versions can still suck.

What program are you trying to give extended time to anyway?


Personally I would not change the system date or time to anything other than current date and time on any of my computers. There are other processes running behind the scenes that log entries or use the date and time to function properly. If you like the program that much, spend a few bucks and get a full fledged version.


With that said, there is a way to do it with Visual Basic using the Shell function, cmd.exe, and the date command. Here are a few lines of code to get you started. From this you should be able to figure out the specifics on how you want to implement it.


Dim strCommand

strCommand = "c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe /C date 05-04-08"

Shell(strCommand, AppWinStyle.MaximizedFocus, True)


While VB could be used, I think it would be done more efficiently with Windows Script Host. Windows Script Host provides a way to bind multiple applications together with the OS. I would write a wrapper with VBScript that used the FileSystemObject and WshShell object. In my opinion this would give you less overhead and greater control over the steps involved.


Save Current Date

Get Date Created from Trial Application File using FileSystemObject

Change Date

Launch Trial Application

Reset Date to Current Date


this app sets the time to trik programs into thinking the trial is not over yet. i am using a bought version of basic and dont worry about trial versions. i am making a program that decieves trials to make them last forever.

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