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This tutorial is 100% ORIGINATED from me (My very first tutorial)

Might seems n00b in the eyes of pros, but I've put my blood in these.

hope you all will love it :-p


1. Open a new document, put background colour as black, and draw a square with dimension 100x60


2. Convert the square into movieclip, naming 1_mc, and instance name as menu1. Adjust the square as shown.


3. Get into 1_mc, clicking the square, convert into movieclip again, naming frame_mc.


4. At frame 1, set the filter of frame_mc as below.



5. At frame 25, set the filter of frame_mc as below. Set motion tween from frame1-25.


6. Add in another 2 layers, copy the square into one of the layer. Adjust the position to the same position as frame_mc.




7. At the 3rd layer, draw a "T" shape with line tool. Convert into "line_gp".


8. At frame7, adjust the position of line_gp as follows.


Will continue next, since forum only allows 10 pictures per post.

Please reply so I can continue my post. Thanks!





Continue step8


9. At frame 24, set the position of line_gp as follows, set motion tween.



10. At frame34, repeat step8. At frame40, repeat step9.

11. Mask layer2 with layer3.

12. Add a layer4, write the label as you like, here I write "Menu". Set the text filter as follows.




13. At frame34, set the text filter as follow.


14. At frame1 and last frame, open AS window by pressing F9, put stop();

15. Back to Scene1, add another 2 layers. Copy the square into one of the layer, adjust the position so it meets 1_mc exactly at same position.

Convert the square into button, naming it 1_btn. Enter 1_btn by double click, drag the frame to "Hit" and left others frame empty. As follows:




16. At layer4, open AS window and put in these lines of codes:

_root.menu1.onEnterFrame = function() {

if(anime) {


} else {





17. Open AS windows of 1_btn by selecting it and press F9, insert these lines of codes.

on(rollOver) {

_root.anime = true;



on(rollOut) {

_root.anime = fstartelse;



And finally, repeat all the steps to create few more menus. Hope you all enjoy it!


To Wizard: I just wanna share it with you all here. Since I take Heliohost as my home now :-)


  • 2 months later...

Try Flash CS 3, using AS3.0, you can create fabulous buttons and animations that run smooth than ever!

Grab some now.

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