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Sungazer, if you can't accept a joke at face value you're probably in the wrong thread. There's no secret wishing well or water from the mountains of valhalla or item of invulnerability. Immortality is not feasible and neither is my joke.

  • 2 weeks later...
Sit it your house with no windows, a big light, tredmill, dumbells, Twinkines, Water and a radio.


you forgot the most important parts...


several hundreds of gallons of water and a shovel. Defeating death can be found at the bottom of a self made swimming pool at least 40 feet deep but no wider than 4.7 feet.


If you can build that, get to the bottom without any type of air container, and then return to the surface--all in 46.87 seconds-- you have defeated death!!



disclaimer: under no circumstances can jjpriest25, helionet.org, heliohost.org, or President Bush be held responsible if you try this and end up dying.


Death itself doesn't really scare me, what scares me is either having everyone around me dying and me not being able to do anything about it, or me dying and knowing that everyone I've loved or that has loved me can't ever talk to me again. I guess if the soul isn't real then I wouldn't have to worry about my loved ones after I'm dead, but the thought still makes me sad.


But the paranormal and soul discussion interests me, I think we should talk more about that, but then again it's off topic.


But then again my whole topic is "off-topic".

  • 4 weeks later...

i say don't think about it and like nick said just be happy to live and have other living things live with you while you live and live with what you have and try to accomplish thing that are hard to do think about everything make life exiting just think think think but about happy things and then there are moments to think about the dark side but that just get you down.


like some say our life now is just purgatory just wait and see.

  • 1 month later...
Actually, when we're so-called "dead", are we really "dead"??

Nobody can answer you, after a group of scientist successfully proved the existance of soul.

Many experiments has been undergo to pursue the truth. One experiment is measure the weight of the body. The result, at the moment the human is certified dead, there's a significant lost of weight. Many claimed that is due to diffusal of soul outside your body, your soul is now FREE!!


You can't measure your soul. It's not a physical object, it's spiritual.


Anyway, I'd like to ask to us all, are you a body with a spirit, or a spirit with a body? Or do you not have a spirit? Think about that seriously and critically for a moment.



That's not my claim, I've read it from a book that tells us stories about souls and spirits from scientific aspects.

The scientists carried out the experiment, and they found out mass is lost when somebody is dead,

and they claimed that lost is due to soul... but NOBODY can actually prove that is 100% correct.


But if t'was true, my believe is the theory of E=mc^2. we can shift the equation into m=E/c^2.

I read it from a book as well, saying that mass and energy are convertable to one another.

And IF we do have soul, when one is dead, the soul will free up from your body as energy and some mass will lost significantly.

That's my believe, but I don't claim it to be true.

  • 4 weeks later...
That's not my claim, I've read it from a book that tells us stories about souls and spirits from scientific aspects.

The scientists carried out the experiment, and they found out mass is lost when somebody is dead,

and they claimed that lost is due to soul... but NOBODY can actually prove that is 100% correct.


But if t'was true, my believe is the theory of E=mc^2. we can shift the equation into m=E/c^2.

I read it from a book as well, saying that mass and energy are convertable to one another.

And IF we do have soul, when one is dead, the soul will free up from your body as energy and some mass will lost significantly.

That's my believe, but I don't claim it to be true.


Let's take that energy and convert it into electricity! That'll be a renewable source of energy since people are constantly dying =D. A human soul power plant...

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