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Me and gamemaster_268 (my cuz) are going ...well might be going to this camp at the nebraska unviersity in lincoln. It will teach us 3d desgin, 3d animation, Flash actionscript, Flash animation, And web design.


But the down side is it cost about $500.00 us.



Free Gold Plox? :huh:


Edit: Forgot to add. They supply food, room, program, and comps.



Well I am already going. But i want him to be there so it can be a fun learning process.


Post a 1. If u aggree. Plz comment

Post a 2. If u disagree. Plz comment


1 or 2, whatever floats your boat. I really don't have enough info to give you an informed decision, but if it sounds like fun for you guys, into this stuff, or not into it but seems like a way to pass some time, and you guys can spare the money, sure go ahead. On the otherhand, if you're not into this stuff, and hate it's guts, and don't have the money, then dont.


Aaron, my dad says u prolly cnat go unless ur DAD HURRYS HIS .. [bleeped!]-OCIATE up and sends in ur registrtation and monay..


Yes i really hope this camp teaches me alot. I am a prety sweet animatior when it comes to Flash Mx 2004 pro.. but i dont know a lot about it. Also once i learn how to 3d model and animate.. im gonna be making a 3d game. I already am faily decent at webdesign though.. check out my site even though i havnt updted it in like 4 months ( http://www.samevertson.com )


Here ill post a link to the site...Scroll all the way down our camp is on the bottom right.:


Click Here to go to the camp info page. :yay:


sounds like fun, i would love to go, im skilled at many computer things, and i would love to learn flash, rather that waste it and let it rot in 100 MB of my computer right now.

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