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  • 2 months later...

I don't claim to know everything about this, but have read a little on the subject. In this case, the LED is made up of organic compounds. Don't think of this as organic gardening or farming that's a whole different use of the word organic. Think more about organic chemistry. Organic chemistry deals with organic compounds. All organic compounds have molecules that contain carbon.



I'm trying to understand this...

Do you mean bioluminescence?


In biology, I'm not so sure which element emits this kind of light, maybe carbon as meriadoc said,

But if you have noticed, many deep sea creatures equipped with bioluminescence ability to create their own light in the deep sea!


In physic/chemistry, it's a kind of reaction and promote/excite lower energy state electron to higher state, when it drops back to lower energy state, the energy difference is emitted as electromagnetic wave, that is our light, so-called bio-lunminescence in case of organic compound.


We are not really talking about bioluminescence. Organic compounds are not alive, they just have molecules that contain Carbon. It is the combination of compounds that work together to emit light when an electrical charge is added.


I heard about that, about light was emitted with electric charges flow from one to another.

But still, I'm not so understand about that statement,

because what I've learnt in physic and chemistry taught me that light/electromagneticwave will only be emitted when a source of energy transform into the form of wave.

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