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50 games?!


Wow, for just getting an xbox, thats a large number!


I think it all depends on if you have Xbox Live or not.


If you do, I would recommend:


Halo 3

Call of Duty 4

Gears of War

Bioshock is pretty good

Forza Motorsport 2 (If it didn't come with your xbox)

Assassins Creed (you don't need xbox live for this one)


Thats my two cents ;)


- ArceRC

- Van




I don't think that GTA4 has been released yet.


I've seen some screenshots of it, and it looks amazing! So I agree, add that to the top 50.


Just today or yesterday Microsoft put Undertow available for free download if you have Live. I downloaded it but not actually played it.


I'm assuming you have Xbox Live, so I think your next choice should be Call of Duty 4.



- ArceRC

- Van


In addition...


Mass Effect

Crackdown is pretty fun

GTA 4 has a release date of 4/29/2008


If you're an achievement/GP junkie, borrow Avatar for the stupidly easy achievements. :P


Oh yes, I forgot to add Mass Effect to my list of amazing 360 games.


Mass Effect is an awesome game that will appeal to you even if you're not an RPG fan.


It mixes amazing graphics similar to FPS games, with open breathing worlds found in RPGs.

I think Mass Effect might even bring hardcore FPS gamers into the RPG genre!



- ArceRC

- Van


It's Bioware, it has to be good. ;)


On another note, by now I'm sure you've heard of the Fox News media regarding it and the article's repercussions. Things like that just add to that news portion's crappiness.


I don't own it, but isn't that game XBox Live ready?


I think it would be cool to skate online with friends.



- ArceRC

- Van

You can dude u can and i got skate too.

Have you tried the Xbox Live goodness yet?


I remember when Project 8 came out. It was pretty cool, containing good graphics and such, but seeing screenshots

and videos of Skate really leads me to belive that it has set the new standard for skating games!


If the Xbox Live multiplayer is somewhat fun, I may consider buying this game.



- ArceRC

- Van

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