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Alright, I've just recently (within the hour) gotten my site active and running (the terms "active" and "running" being used loosely here). From what I read, Helio uses automated advertisements; I can only assume this means the advertisements, well, how up automatically. But I've no idea where they should, could, or would show up on MediaWiki. (I'm pretty sure I would need to place them manually somewhere). I noticed a topic from a while ago mentioning a similar thing, and djbob said that the ads currently weren't working; this is fixed already I assume?


How do I go about adding the advertisements now? Will I need to request custom placement of some sort, or is there some way for them to automatically show up in the current form? My website's running over http://vynaioccwiki.heliohost.org/wiki/ind...title=Main_Page here, now, you can look for yourself and see how anything's working at the moment...


Geo - a.k.a. Jioruji Derako


The ads are still not working. Currently I am trying to figure out how to make an iFrame with a remote source disappear if it has no content... if I can get that working I can get ads up again.


Ah, I see. (that iFrame comment went straight over my head, by the way.)

I assume there will be some sort of announcement or something when the ads are back up? I can figure out if the ads work in MediaWiki from there... I know a few places on the skin where you can put ads, but I don't know if they can show up there on their own...


Geo - a.k.a. Jioruji Derako

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