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  • 4 weeks later...
Do any of you guys program? If so, what particular field?


I use c++, and like to make games.




I use javascript and java, i mainly create my Apps for websites, i have only done one game, but enjoy creating a javascript based web page. I tried c++, but lost interest, tried visual basic but it seemed the same so i went back to scripting with java.. So my main programming skills are in java and javascript.. ^_^


  • 1 month later...

I mostly make websites but sometimes programs and games. VB is good because you can do all three with the same language


I'm a fan of the big three C's. I have experience in VB, ASP, PHP, Java, Perl, a little Python, and stuff like that. Oh yeah, don't forget QBASIC. :lol:

In fact, I just got off an 8-hour or so C/C++ spree on compilers and remain too wired from energy drinks to go to bed. <_<


I like workin' on games, web stuff when I have time (almost never), random tools, and, most recently, compilers.

Well i use mc codes to make games like Mafia Warriors.


MC codes? Never heard of it :o


I signed up for mafia wars btw.. and I like it :D


I would love to know where to learn that type of code and how to make a game like that! Would you mind explaining/telling me where to go to learn?

There may be some helions in it ;)

  • 4 weeks later...
Well i use mc codes to make games like Mafia Warriors.

Firstly you didn't make it you either bought it from www.monocountry.com (mccodes.com's game). Which would mean it was programed by 'dabs'. Oh and looking at your register your site just got jacked. this is the error output

Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Access denied for user 'mafia'@'localhost' (using password: YES) in /home/mafia/public_html/class/class_db_mysql.php on line 48
FATAL ERROR: Could not connect to database on localhost (Access denied for user 'mafia'@'localhost' (using password: YES))

And well how to fix- change your config.php to crunch to the right information. And another thing you need to do is make sure you deleted installer.php or c modded it down to 0 0 0. Oh and one other thing is there is no real copyright on mccodes except if you are using lite. Even then lite is given away for free. Although judging by the error output I dare say you are running mccodes version 2.


He IS running McCode v2, I know because there is no folder named /class in any other versions.

I would say that error occurred because he has edited that file (class/class_db_mysql.php).

If you need free mods for the game visit http://www.criminalexistence.com/ceforums/index.php and go to Game Modifications --> Free Game Modifications and look for v2 game mods or v1/Lite and then convert them into v2!

He IS running McCode v2, I know because there is no folder named /class in any other versions.

I would say that error occurred because he has edited that file (class/class_db_mysql.php).

If you need free mods for the game visit http://www.criminalexistence.com/ceforums/index.php and go to Game Modifications --> Free Game Modifications and look for v2 game mods or v1/Lite and then convert them into v2!

I *know* that error output. It is not that file. It has happened on my game that runs mccodes. Simply put someone sql injected the site. And if it was a stolen version the likely hood is that it doesn't have all the secured features that v2 has. Yes v2 has exploits BUT they are limited and can be coded around to work. That ERROR means his config.php file is not the right password. I bet if he checks for registered users someone named Goldenzero registered. That or he ticked off the wrong coders. :lol: Plus what the heck is he doing running $300 codes on a free host anyways? I mean seriously mccodes can get over 3gb of bandwidth in a month. I know for a while mine was getting about 4GB/month but I found a lot of players were cheating so I had to ban about half the players.


I *know* that error output. It is not that file.

I know that error as well and not just because I have my sql injected site but because I have changed settings in class/class_db_mysql.php or as you said config.php but I agree with everything else that you have said


The error output SHOWS that the config file is wrong. Because it shows it is using the password in config.php but not acknowledging the password in config.php is right. For example you make something ip sensitive. Your host gets knocked out due to a power outage. Your ip then gets denied wherever was ip sensitive but it will say the file does not exhist. As for why- it isn't your internet isn't working it is just starting information isn't right.. (loosely explaining of course) I know on mine I have a customized error output for that. I made it so if theres an error there I simply know that it is wrong password.

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