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You can get a Vista Home Premium Computer, with 1.5TB of space and AMD athlon 2X 6000+ processor, with 2GB of ram as well as a good decent 2600 XT graphics card for $1499 Australia dollars. Wunderbar! A first rate computer for that little!


(Also has a TV tuner)


Oh my god.

The lack of intelligence is astounding.

Learn your prefixes, guys.


All of the following prefixes are in the metric base 10 system, but are used in computer measurements as 2^10 (1024) is comparable to 10^3 (1000).


Bit = 1 single signal of information, has 2 possibilities: 1 or 0. Usually represented in data storage as "on" or "off."

Byte = 8 bits long, has 256 possibilities 0000-0000 through 1111-1111. A convenient measurement to use because it can represent all the letters, numbers, and many symbols.

Kilo = 10^3, 1000, 2^10, 1024, "thousand"

Mega = 10^6, 1000000, 2^20, 1048576, "million"

Giga = 10^9, 1000000000, 2^30, 1073741824, "billion"

Tera = 10^12, 1000000000000, 2^40, 1099511627776, "trillion"


I do not use commas or periods, as to not confuse foreigners.


EDIT: No source, my own knowledge, please correct me if necessary.

  • 2 weeks later...
A convenient measurement to use because it can represent all the letters, numbers, and many symbols.

It can't. It can only represent that of the English language, and a few others, but lacks a great deal of foreign letters, Asain in particular. Go search for an article on unicode, as thats what tries to deal with this very matter.


I just upgraded my computer with a new graphics card, which takes some of the load of my ram(as my old graphics card was a blood cloat).


I have 1024mb of ram.



  • 4 weeks later...

I have 2 Tera Bytes (Roughly 2000 Giga Bytes). I am a web developer and a database manager, so i need the space. My databases are usually around 200MB, and i handle thousands.


By the way, Its Giga Byte (one 'G', not 2 ;))

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

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