karath Posted October 8, 2007 Posted October 8, 2007 USB 2.0 is pretty fast, but external hard drives SCREAM over firewire 800. Quote
Tbone Posted October 8, 2007 Posted October 8, 2007 You really cant play games on an external connected via USB.. Quote
AverageJoe Posted October 8, 2007 Posted October 8, 2007 190 gb, but when I graduate, I am going to get my own custom computer with one terabyte! 2 more years....... Joe Quote
karath Posted October 8, 2007 Posted October 8, 2007 You can get a Vista Home Premium Computer, with 1.5TB of space and AMD athlon 2X 6000+ processor, with 2GB of ram as well as a good decent 2600 XT graphics card for $1499 Australia dollars. Wunderbar! A first rate computer for that little! (Also has a TV tuner) Quote
awesomegamer Posted October 13, 2007 Posted October 13, 2007 Oh my god. The lack of intelligence is astounding. Learn your prefixes, guys. All of the following prefixes are in the metric base 10 system, but are used in computer measurements as 2^10 (1024) is comparable to 10^3 (1000). Bit = 1 single signal of information, has 2 possibilities: 1 or 0. Usually represented in data storage as "on" or "off." Byte = 8 bits long, has 256 possibilities 0000-0000 through 1111-1111. A convenient measurement to use because it can represent all the letters, numbers, and many symbols. Kilo = 10^3, 1000, 2^10, 1024, "thousand" Mega = 10^6, 1000000, 2^20, 1048576, "million" Giga = 10^9, 1000000000, 2^30, 1073741824, "billion" Tera = 10^12, 1000000000000, 2^40, 1099511627776, "trillion" I do not use commas or periods, as to not confuse foreigners. EDIT: No source, my own knowledge, please correct me if necessary. Quote
AverageJoe Posted October 25, 2007 Posted October 25, 2007 A convenient measurement to use because it can represent all the letters, numbers, and many symbols. It can't. It can only represent that of the English language, and a few others, but lacks a great deal of foreign letters, Asain in particular. Go search for an article on unicode, as thats what tries to deal with this very matter. I just upgraded my computer with a new graphics card, which takes some of the load of my ram(as my old graphics card was a blood cloat). I have 1024mb of ram. Joe Quote
Killer1087 Posted November 18, 2007 Posted November 18, 2007 I have 460gb but i bought a 300gb usb drive =] Quote
Tech-Guy Posted November 24, 2007 Posted November 24, 2007 I have 2 Tera Bytes (Roughly 2000 Giga Bytes). I am a web developer and a database manager, so i need the space. My databases are usually around 200MB, and i handle thousands. By the way, Its Giga Byte (one 'G', not 2 ) Quote
ShannenName Posted December 8, 2007 Posted December 8, 2007 Gigabyte is usually GB not just a G Quote
multipleoranges45 Posted December 21, 2007 Posted December 21, 2007 I have a Computer with 180 GB and an extra hard disk for backing stuff up onto which is 230 GB. ---------------- Listening to: Radiohead - High and Dry via FoxyTunes Quote
Everlast7 Posted January 16, 2008 Posted January 16, 2008 Well currently I only have 300 gb but I hope to upgrade to 600 soon. Quote
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