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hy everybody,

i have bought a script program that needs cpanel...


the program only accept x or x2 theme i mean in the path

i explain


when i try to install that's the error


Can not connect to CPanel (http://erzanza:xxxxxx@www.erzanza.heliohost.org:2082/frontend/x2/files/index.html) check connection info (user,password,domain)



i have noticed that cpanel is in the default with the X3 version...

My question is....


Is it possible to have the version x2


so when the program will check will find this path Can not connect to CPanel (http://erzanza:xxxxxxx@www.erzanza.heliohost.org:2082/frontend/x2/files/index.html)



or at least





beacuse the only thing i can change in the setting program is the url to find cpanel....but i cannot change the x3


This is a GREAT problem for me....


Any idea?


thanks in advance




Hy, is a script to create blog and facilitate the organizations of them...

The posting and so on...


They need the x or x2 version of cpanel


Is possible to have the x2 path (or version i don't know i am a newbie) so i can install them correctly?


When i try to do by my hands, always mistakes and fail....


Is it possible?

Really appreciate...



Unfortunately , seems that the change has not solved the problem...when i try to install the program this is the output


Can not connect to CPanel (http://erzanza:xxxxxxxxxxxxx@www.erzanza.heliohost.org:2082/frontend/x2/files/index.html) check connection info (user,password,domain)


Not Found


The server was not able to find the document (./frontend/x2/files/index.html) you requested.

Please check the url and try again. You might also want to report this

error to your webhost.


Any Idea?


About the sql database....how can i change my static account with an advanced?

I have not seen it before , there is something that i can do or the admin can do it for me?


when i go in my cpanel i see: http://www.erzanza.heliohost.org:2082/f.&a...;/x3/index.html

So the path is with x3....maybe this is the error, my program needs....http://www.erzanza.heliohost.org:2082/f.../x2/index.html

as you can see up in my post.....If it was changed, maybe may i wait a little to have the update?




Thanks appreciate



Yes my cpanel frontend point always to the version X3, that cause the problem...

Is it possible to downgrade the frontend to the x2 version?


Or not? i don't know





Today i tried to install MANUALLY the program, and unfortunately it does not work ,please tell if it possible to have and x2 frontend in cpanel.-.......i saw every theme is in x3.....


Please if possible give me an x2, or TEACH me what i have to do....


I am so sad...





You didn't answer my question. In case you didn't notice one of the seven words I wrote, I wanted the script in particular. As in, give me a name. Also, read our guidelines; you're breaking them.

You didn't answer my question. In case you didn't notice one of the seven words I wrote, I wanted the script in particular. As in, give me a name. Also, read our guidelines; you're breaking them.



The name of the program is Rss to Blog Mass Installer Pro version 3


And it required an x / or an X2 frontend, i hope that this is the information that you need..

NOTICE: i used it to create blog to MY OWN DOMAIN, but when i took it i have not understood that it needs cpanel, and my host (already paid for 3 years) has not cpanel....

So i need a correct installation of this program (script , don't know) to install blogs NOT in heliohost, but in my domain throught FTP.


I hope i am a bit clearer....


Really appreciate, i hope i don't bother you!



So, basically you are taking RSS feeds from other blogs and feeding them into your own ones?



No, that program just create Blogs based over wordpress platform, giving it keywords...thats' all...


the program you mean is called rss to blogs...


Is possible just to change the frontend from x3 to x2 thanks!


What sensible person's going to downgrade CPanel just 'cuz someone's too lame to edit the paths in the script they bought?


Pro-tip: Open up the scripts and edit every path and change it to X3.


Pro-tip2: Make backups before editing.


Pro-tip-elite: Never use scripts that require CPanel and never buy them unless you know what you're doing.

So you are using RSS to Blog Mass Installer, but not RSS to Blogs?

Don't worry about it, he's just an idiot trying to get rich quick.



Yah, I've seen that. I'm wondering if what he's doing is illegal or not. I can easily switch the theme on cPanel to x2, but I doubt RSS to Blog or whatever is legal.

Everything published is copyrighted. So, if you take it in that sense without permission, then you're violating international copyright laws.


Anyways, this kind of stuff violates the Adsense Terms of Service and many other ToS from other ad services. Scammers are lamers.





Amazing support!

No problem. What other kind person would buy useless scripts for 150USD?


Ain't my guidelines, they're djbob's. I'll fine myself to make you happy.


You submitted a help request and we answered it. No, we're not downgrading cPanel for one person and yes, you can do something. I even gave you a pro-tip-elite for what to do in the future, that is, to know what you're doing. You've just failed to listen to all of my suggestions. I guess I should make a tutorial or something like you asked.




Please note that you should find yourself another webhost. I WILL report you to Adbrite if/when you get the script to work.


Don't do that, then they'll just get pissed of at us. Anyways, we don't really use Adbrite, as no one buys our Adbrite ad thing - it mostly just displays Google ads.

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