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xbox 360 are so good their graphics but i think that the ps3 is better even though i have a 360 myself and the games are awsome but the games on ps3 are goodwith precise things :lol:



i recommed to get the ps3 but prices are the downfall

microsoft vs sony

Ofcourse ps3 is better than xbox360 graphic wise but price wise its way to costly as comparible to xbox360.

PS3 may cost more, but look what it comes with.


If you want to watch movies on your xballs then you have to spend another $200 for the HD-DVD player.. and Blu-Ray is better then HD-DVDs.


Then if you want to connect your 360 wirelessly then there goes another $100..

Thats about $300 more which puts it over the PS3s cost.


You don't even know which format will win the format war :/ You can't just say blu ray > hd dvd.


The PS3 may be a kick-[bleeped!] console, but it lacks a game repertoire. Kinda like the original xbox compared to the rest of the consoles. Sure, it had halo, but the rest of the games could be found in the other consoles already.

Yeah i agree with thone but its only good for a movie freak and someone who would be a gaming freak rather than being a movie freak would definitly go for XBOX 360.
You don't even know which format will win the format war :/ You can't just say blu ray > hd dvd.


The PS3 may be a kick-[bleeped!] console, but it lacks a game repertoire. Kinda like the original xbox compared to the rest of the consoles. Sure, it had halo, but the rest of the games could be found in the other consoles already.


Blu-Ray is outselling HD-DVD by more then 2:1


HD content needs more space, and thats what Blu-Ray has.

Blu-Ray is outselling HD-DVD by more then 2:1


HD content needs more space, and thats what Blu-Ray has.

Actually, it's more. It doesn't matter, however, as they count PS3s in their sales figures. Stand-alone players as well as media sales are roughly 1:1.


I hope you realize you can fit several hours worth of HD content using a lossy codec such as DivX/XviD on a standard single-layer DVD. If we're going lossless, a single-layered HD-DVD is still overkill for a full featured movie. What do we need the Blu-ray space for, 2160p? Also, the largest reason for the adoption of the Blu-ray format by several large producers is because of Blu-ray's more advanced protection scheme.


While Blu-ray appears to be winning at the moment, HD-DVD can always shift the market as they've done in the past.


This media war is stupid anyways. Where was all the hubbub during the VCD-Lasdisc-DVD times? And what about the HD audio wars? This whole thing was just brought up because of Sony and flamewars are spawned from moronic fanboys that can't see anything past their own bigotry.



  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

But the Wii isnt a fat kids play toy.I have a Wii and i only weigh 8 stone for a 22 year old.

That was an useless reply because that mean your stating that whoever has a Nintendo Wii is fat and they want to get fitter by having fun.In some ways the wii is a good thing letting people have fun and stay fit.


P.s. Santa The wii has nothing to do with this topic.

Everyone that i know that has a Wii is out of shape.


I would go something like "F you" but these are community forums...


Are you calling me out of shape? For your info I play badminton two hours a week, volleyball 1 and a half hours a week, I go walking for about 3 hours a week (or more, depending) have 1 and a half hours of PDHPE and I do other sports as well. I own a Wii. Are you saying that I'm out of shape?


What's more, my brother (who co-shares the Wii) is 18 years old, who is 82kg, 181cm tall, med student, and can run over 12km now without stopping. Now, do you call THAT out of shape?!?!?!?


I hate these people who claim "The only people that get the Wii are fat people." I only have to say to you, STHU (Shut the "hell" up) because not all people who own the Wii are fat. I'm 167cm, 52kg. I have a friend, though short, is fit and not overweight. Geez, please, back up your claims with some better facts. "Everyone I know who has a Wii". How many people do you know? Over 1 million people who own the Wii? You are talking about a minority. Now, if anyone is going to argue, I'm afraid I might have to start flaming you. HARD. I agree with you naynesh.


Now that's over, I tell you what outsells Blueray and HD DVD...

The awesome floppy disk! :rolleyes:

Compatible with all OS so far! I wanna see the Blueray drive try to support Windows 3.1 OS!

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