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You can now develop your Heliohost websites with the Python web framework Django. Many famous sites such as https://www.instagram.com/ and https://www.pinterest.com/ are built with Django. This powerful web framework makes it easier to build better web apps more quickly and with less code. Django is a high-level Python web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. Built by experienced developers, it takes care of much of the hassle of web development, so you can focus on writing your app without needing to reinvent the wheel. If you want to give Django a try you can get started quickly and easily by following these instructions. Once you have this basic test working on your Heliohost account you should visit https://www.djangoproject.com/ to read their excellent documentation and continue learning. We recommend developing your Django applications on your home computer where you have command line access, and then uploading your files to the server. Our server uses Python 3.6.0 and Django 1.10.5 so make sure you use the same on your development environment or you may end up with compatibility issues. Like most of our improvements this functionality was requested by one of our users, and we were more than happy to install it for you. Let us know if you have any other ideas on how we can improve our free hosting service.

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