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You mean put your table in the center of the page? Put this before <center> before you start the table and </center> right after the table ends.

Does anyone know which file I have to edit to make the tables centered? You see if am only able to make my tables to a width of 800px, but I can't seem to center it. Help please. You can view it here: http://staff.heliohost.org/forum


I got a 404 error when i went to that site


But yeah <center> before the table tag and </center> after the table tag

Ooh, nice, let's ignore W3C standards, eh?


Add style="margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;" to your <table> tag, that'll center it.


i have been doing webdesign for 2 years for a company that has been inbusiness isnce 1995... the brute for way i.e. <center></center> is often the besst. It is cross browser compatible and there is very little confusion on the tags

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